#one sentence into the email



Serve it





ID: A digital drawing of Count Dracula from Bram Stoker’s Dracula. He is a skinny white man with white hair, bushy eyebrows, a bushy moustache, and pointed ears. He is wearing a lizard onesie with the mouth open around his face. The onesie is green with yellow teeth and yellow spikes down the back, and with a red interior lining and red eyes. He is wearing red scaled boots and holding a red lizard-shaped handbag. He is pouting and brusing his hair back from his face, walking down the hall of his castle like he’s on a catwalk. He is wearing green eyeliner and a tasteful red lip. The background is mostly empty, shades of grey and green showing two windows letting in light. Above him, an excerpt from a Dracula Daily email reads: “15 May. - Once again have I seen the Count go out in his lizard fashion.”
