#only god knows


ok so like NCR HASto have a band. like there’s no way they don’t. and as a band kid I’m going to claim this as canon and tell you what twisted wonderland characters are band kids.

  1. Azul- plays clarinet, look at him. he’s a clarinet man. definitely prefers concert season over marching. Wants to be drum major
  2. Kalim- drumline. literally canon he plays instruments but I think out of all the band instruments he plays
  3. Vil- was orchestra but joined band when Neige joined orchestra as well. Plays flute and is this year’s head drum major (NCR is too big to only have one)
  4. Idia- hear me out, he opts out of marching season and only shows up to rehearsals and events but still plays perfectly. clearly a clarinet (and no way shape or form does he brag ab being better than Azul… no way)
  5. Floyd- Probably got kicked out a few times for starting fights with other bands and breaking the drums when playing but somehow (azul) was always let back in. the one kid who screams smash mouth on the bus heading to games
  6. Cater- Claims he’s not a part of the band bc ew gross and he’s the dance team so he’s way better. (will never tell anyone that he was a flute player in middle school. ever)
  7. Riddle- That one flute player with a stick up his ass about technique

anyways yeah those r the main ones but feel free to add more if u wanna
