#only the grumpus names tho



Bugsnax localisation analysis thingy, woo-

To start this off, I am a native russian speaker and fluent in english, so I played both the original version of Bugsnax (english) and the rus. localisation.

And I noticed a bunch of differences and interesting details, mostly regarding character names and how some things are called.

Soo..I’m gonna explain some stuff about the localisation! Because I have nothing better to do!

Bugsnax and Grumpuses as species.

In the localisation, Bugsnax are reffered to as Жуконямки (Zhukonyamki) which is. Pretty much a direct translaton.

Жук = Bug

Нямка = Snack

Therefore Жуконямки.

Also the letter ж kinda looks like a bug if you think about it…

Grumpuses meanwhile are called Хрумбы (Hrumby) which is a pun on a word “хрум” what describes a sound of someone eating and well…Grumpuses do eat a lot so-

Snaktooth Island and it’s locations.

Snaktooth itself is called Вкусняшный Остров (Vkusnyashniy Ostrov) which basically means “yummy island” and conveys the fact what there are some tasty beings on this island. Meanwhile, Broken Tooth is just directly translated as Сломанный Клык (Slomanniy Click) which I think sounds badass.

As for the locations on Snaktooth itself, all of them got translated really well with the names what have both words with a same starting letter in them (Boiling Bay, Simmering Springs, Garden Grove, etc) still have that in the translation.

So it goes:

• Flavour Falls - Пряные Потоки (Pryanie Potoki)

“Пряный” means “spicy” or containing spices, so it does convey the “flavour” aspect. Meanwhile, “поток” is “flow” and there’s a river there.

• Garden Grove - Ароматная Роща (Aromatnaya Rosha)

It literally means “Good-smelling Grove”. Nice.

• Simmerring Springs - Искристые Источники (Iscristie Istochniki)

“Искристый” means “shimmering”, but in this context it’s like. Uh. “it’s hot so it sparkles”, I guess.

• Boiling Bay - Бухта Бурления (Buhta Burl'eniya)

A direct translation, nothing much.

• Scorched Gorge - Палящее Ущелье (Palyasheye Ushelye)

Also a direct translation.

• Sizzling Sands - Пески Прожарки (Peski Prozharki)

“Прожарка” means “roasting”. It’s basically calling the desert an oven.

• Sugarpine Woods - Сахарный Бор (Saharniy Bor)

It’s just. “Sugary Forrest” essentially. Love it.

• Frosted Peak - Морозильный Пик (Morozilniy Pik)

This one’s kinda funny, because we call freezers “морозильник”. The mountain is a fridge. Egg is in the fridge-

And finally

• Snaxburg - Хрумбург (Hrumburg)

This essentially sounds like naming a town “peopleville” knowing хрумб means grump, but still, it’s nice.


A pattern I noticed while playing different localisations is what characters get translated surnames. It kind of put me off on my first playthrough with the localisation, but I got used to it, so here they are:

Lizbert went from Megafig to Мегафрукт (Megafruit). I guess the translators really wanted to show who’s the head homosexual here.

Eggabell’s surname turned to Тефтеллер (Tefteller). I’m undure where they got that from but “тефтель” is “meatball”. I guess like…Batternugget. Maybe from that.

Filbo now is Простофильсон (Prostofilson). “Просто” means “simple” and “фильсон” is just a derivative from his name, I guess. But if we wanna make it convoluted, he is now Filbo, son of Fil, the simpleton-

Beffica’s surname - Хитропырка (Hitropyirka) - consists of words “хитро” - “sly” (which is descriptive of her character) and “пырка” - in this case, “nose” (which is derived from the “snoot” part of her og surname).

Wambus…Хмурохрум (Hmurohrum) which is basically just. “Grumpygrump” if you remember the хрумб thing again and it’s hilarious to me.

Triffany’s surname somehow became Лоттакрофт (Lottacroft). I guess they were referencing Lara Croft, but eh?? Dunno, kinda strange, but okay.

Gramble’s last name is Хохотунчик (Hohotunchik) here which is fitting, as it’s a word used to describe a person who laughs a lot. And y'know. Gigglefunny.

Wigglebottom turned to Вертихвостс (Vertihwosts) which just means “wiggletail”. Pretty cute, I think.

Cromdo’s surname is now Морд (Mord) which is just the word “морда” but without the last letter. “Морда” is used to describe a face of an animal/a face of a preson in a derogatory way, sooo-

Chandlo’s is a ride. It’s Зажигатор (Zazhigator) which is definetely derived from the “funk” part of his name, but the word “зажигать” can mean both “party” and “set something on fire”, so Chandlo may seem as or a party guy, or an arsonist.

Snorpy and Floofty are paired up here sinse they’re sibilings with the same last name. They’re Крышесдвиг (Kryishesdwig) sibilings here and it’s hilarious to me, because it’s based on a common saying “крыша поехала” (“roof is sliding off”) which is used to describe someone going insane. And, well, these are Floofty and Snorpy we’re talking about.

Shelda’s last name is mentioned once in the end of her sidequest, so my memory could be wronging me, but it was translated as Шерстиклок (Shersticlock) which means something like “a ball of fur”.

Clumby’s…surprisingly the same, just transcribed into Кламбернат.

Same cannot be said for…


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