#onto the next one



I’ve finished the December Lookbook Challenge and it’s so much fun for me :) So, now I want to make one! But instead of 30/31 days long, I want to make a mini one, this is the 10 Days with Me Lookbook Challenge :) Because it’s only 10 days long, I want to add additional rules.

a.Only use one Sims, you can make it by yourself or download it from the gallery or even use EA Townies, it’s up to you :) But, you can only use 1 sim until the end.
b.Every day there is 1 color that you must corporate into the outfit. For example:
Day 01 theme is Picnic with Family and the color is pink, you can make the hair pink, the shoes pink, the top or bottom pink, or maybe full-body outfit pink! it’s up to you but you must corporate the color requested into the outfit and you can also add another color.

That’s for the rules, other than that you can do whatever you want

10 Days with Me Lookbook Challenge

01 - Picnic with Family | Pink

02 - Bookstore with Friends | Navy Blue

03 - Pajamas Party | Yellow

04 - Garden Party | Maroon

05 - Date at Theme Park | Orange

06 - Lazy Sunday | Green

07 - Music Festival | Purple

08 - Painting Class | Beige

09 - Movie Night | Grey

10 - Visit Museum or Art Gallery | Brown

So, that’s it! I don’t know if that’s fun or not but if you tried it please tag/mention me or use hashtag #10 days with me because I would like to see it, so I can give them heart or reblog it~

Thank you :)


This is my first time doing something like this, and I don’t know if I’m doing it right or not, so if you have some advice for me, I would like to hear it 

once again, thank you :)

*inhales* so, this is based on the tags that @labcoatraven left on @diuid​‘s post about a beach AU i*inhales* so, this is based on the tags that @labcoatraven left on @diuid​‘s post about a beach AU i*inhales* so, this is based on the tags that @labcoatraven left on @diuid​‘s post about a beach AU i

*inhales* so, this is based on the tags that @labcoatraven left on @diuid​‘s post about a beach AU in response to that ocean troffy drawing i did

smith is a lifeguard and sips is full of surprises



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