#ooh yuh get it i guess


Between The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea (sneak peak)

i’ve made an executive decision!! if u can guess who it is im givin u a smooch. i think it’s pretty obvious, though….

cw: violence


“You think it’s funny?

He takes a step closer, and you aren’t laughing anymore. He’s smiling, but it isn’t the happy kind; it’s feral and thirsty and full to cracking. He trails his hand soft against the skin of your cheek, fingertips dancing. And then he grips your jaw, hard, harder, as though he seeks to break the bones beneath.

“I will destroyyou,” he purrs, face mere inches from your own. His eyes are blown wide and wild, his breath smells of cold mint leaves.

You want to pull away, to wrench yourself from his grasp and thrust your blade through his chest. But there’s something inside of you that keeps you still. You don’t breathe. You aren’t even sure if your heart is still beating.

You came here to kill him, sure. But what if he kills you first?

He licks his lips, the tip of his tongue just grazing your nose. There’s something in him, something dark and twisted and unyielding. You would have been better to stay away, you think belatedly. You would have been better to let sleeping dogs lie.

He pulls you closer, until you’re certain you aren’t breathing your own air anymore, and then he slams your head back against the wall. There’s a burst of colour, a flash of searing pain. You moan in pain. There’s a ringing in your skull.

His hand slips down to wrap around your throat, teasingly gentle, and he leans in, smiling wide, lips grazing your ear.

“You think I’m bluffing?” he whispers. “I was madefor battle, baby. So bring it on, really. I can’t wait to see you try. Because I’m gonna break and break and break you, until there’s nothing left in you but me.”
