#ooo this is a good post



Some house lessons that come to mind

1st house planets: need to learn unfiltered self-expression, to allow impulse reaction of the planet in question and formulate a solid sense of identity and independence, carving their own pathway through life

2nd house planets: need to learn their sense of worth, solidify their resource and value system, and allow the planet in question to indulge in what is personally pleasurable every once in awhile, but not excessively so that one does not lose sight of inner richness and humbleness

3rd house planets: need to learn to communicate effectively and constructively with others and to practice multiple thought trends to allow the planets in question to become more adaptable 

4th house planets: need to find their center of home for inner peace, whether a person, place, pet, hobby, life purpose and so on, as well as being open to emotional development of the planet in question

5th house planets: need to learn to implement their will into what they create and to accept and give out love in its purest form, to let the inner child out to experience play and joys in life

6th house planets: need to learn how to grow up and always look forward to improving their skills and wellbeing, as well as straying away from thinking on an individual level through helping others, learn to pay attention to details in their lives

7th house planets: need to learn to accept themselves through what others bring out of them but to also accept differences in others. To practice good judgement of the planet in question

8th house planets: need to learn to rid themselves of self-blame and open themselves up to significant changes brought by other people or events in their life, as well as practicing letting go of what is not useful

9th house planets: need to learn to see the bigger picture and look at things from another lens, to allow the planets to ‘discover’ themselves through being ever questioning about that part of themselves 

10th house planets: need to learn to face the world and find their place in it, take responsibility for shortcomings, and reach for their potentials without the restraint of insecurity. one must learn to reconcile with the past and parents as well as with their fear of failure that may have been imbedded by such figures

11th house planets: need to find their sense of belonging to solidify the identity all the while understanding this does not mean isolation or distance from the greater whole but finding themselves through experiencing group and social consciousness

12th house planets: need to dissolve boundaries in that compassion and empathy for others is dispersed, but to not lose sight of boundaries completely that one is overwhelmed with feelings of lostness and confusion. To utilize the planet in question to help oneself with self-discovery and meditation but to also extend it to others as service for the greater good
