#ooohhhh ewww









River Song

Amy Pond 

Madam de Pompadour 


….what the fuck, Moffat. 

For the people asking:
Yes, he kissed Clara.


Today in gross things I never put together

Actually, I think the River one’s not so bad. He did meet her most often as an adult and had already done so when they kissed. It was only after that when he met her as a child.
If I had the option now to go back and meet my partner for a brief period during his childhood years, I probably would out of curiosity and to see how adorable he must have been.

I dont think any of then are SUPER gross in isolation. All of them he knew more as adults more, albeit pretty young adults. But as a trend? As a recurring plot point? Ick

But context is important.  I don’t remember the Madame Pompadour one (is that the one with the fireplace…?), but as they pointed out in River’s case he met her as an adult first.  He didn’t realize that Amy was Amy when he came back and met the adult version of her and then she kissed him at her bachelorette party (and he went straight to Rory and told him).  With Clara he went to her past to try and find out where she came from-if she was human or was something else (the impossible girl).  

Its not the same as if he’s found these underage girls he thought were hot and said ‘i’m going to travel forward in time to when they’re legal’.  Cause THAT would be pretty effed up.   

Thats what i mean by each one not being that bad by itself.

But that moffat keeps doing this IS weird. It, as a repeating writing motif, its very off putting.
