#op i love it



Crowley went by a pet shop and saw a snake for sale and immediately got attached. He didn’t tell Aziraphale he adopted it cause he feels really self-conscious about being so doting with lil’ Crawly Jr. But one time Az came for a suprise visit to Crowley’s flat while he was away on business and long story short when Crowley came back home he saw Aziraphale sitting by the terrarium, petting his snake tenderly, struggling not to cry and whispering “What’s bothering you Crowley, my dear??? Why won’t you talk to me?? Is it something I said? I’m so sorry, Crowley? Please just say something…..”

I love this and I drew it:


 [link to new blog] 


meeting your boss’ kids:)))

no im not delusional :))))))))))))
