#op is not happy


Personal experience time-

With online learning in effect, it is easier to show off student’s work. It may be a helpful tool for the student and the rest of the class. However, when it surpasses the wish of the student, that’s when it is not helpful. It could stress them out and make them feel unwell. This happened to me. I wasn’t asked to show my work, the teacher just did it. I got a 50/100 (figure the actual grade from there, if you wish.) and the class started correcting it. The teacher tried to include me with the corrections, but as a person who has social anxiety this made me feel dread. Even though it wasn’t his intention to do so, it was a matter that he didn’t consider about how the student (me) felt. I actually left the class “early” because I wasn’t going to deal with that snakeshit. Listen, It’s fine if the teacher corrects and helps you personally, it’s actually really helpful. But In front of everyone else, OP says no. I actually always felt really anxious in his class, but this one took the cake

This was French for your information **
