#op is so on point i can’t even



I’m gonna go into detail about this eventually, but I want it on the record that people have got Hizashi and Aizawa’s roles mixed up, mainly that Aizawa is the “logical one” while Hizashi is “emotional.”

Think about it; for a man that’s supposed to be so “rational,” Aizawa is completely run by his emotions and not logic. Again I’ll go into depth later, but all his actions are charged by emotional responses; like jumping in to fight the villains at the USJ arc. Logically, Eraser should have stayed with the kids while Thirteen used his quirk to handle the large group. However, he wasn’t thinking about that; he was thinking, “There’s a threat that wants to hurt the kids, I ain’t letting that happen.” That’s an emotional response.

Hizashi, meanwhile, is the only one willing to put his feelings aside and think logically. Like when he pointed out that there was a traitor among them. Hizashi was the ONLY one in that room willing to face the facts on that subject. It was an unpleasant subject as no one wanted to admit that a student they loved or a fellow teacher could hurt them, but Hizashi knew that for the safety of everyone, it was a subject that needed to be faced. (Shame his personality was too passive to push it.)

Don’t get me wrong; Hizashi is emotional (he’s a Cancer sign, it’s a given), however, he’s a mature crab that knows how to put those emotions to work and when to set them aside. (Again, more on this later. I wanna go into depth about how well Hizashi’s birthday fits him.)

I dunno, this is just a quick something I wanted to share.

I really like this take- because while I do love Aizawa, canon Aizawa is still a good bit different than fanon Aizawa. Yamada is so much more than fanon often givens him credit for, he’s so complex in canon and fanon just equates him to his loud blond stereotype. Which while is perfectly fine if that’s the content you want to consume- it’s not the true or only aspect to Yamada and it’s so sad that so many shove him into that box.

Anyway I have more thoughts on this but I’ll save them for another ramble- thanks op!
