
lawluevents:LawLu Week 2022Day 1 (5/28) Alliance • FirstDay 2 (5/29) Laughter • Alternate UniverseDa


LawLu Week 2022

Day 1 (5/28) Alliance • First
Day 2 (5/29) Laughter • Alternate Universe
Day 3 (5/30) Royal AU • Thank You
Day 4 (5/31) Injured • Dress Up
Day 5 (6/1) Captain’s Quarters • Soul Mates
Day 6 (6/2) Gods • Will of D
Day 7 (6/3) Free Day
Day 8 (6/4) Freedom • Reincarnation
Day 9 (6/5) Pirate King & Emperor • Mafia AU
Day 10 (6/6) 10 Years • Love Confession

Hey everyone!✨

Thanks to everyone who responded to the survey! Here are the final selections for LawLuWeek2022 which will run May 28th to June 6th

  • use one or both prompts as you like
  • interpret the prompts however you want, for example “first” can mean first date/kiss/fight/etc. the only limit is your imagination
  • any type of media is welcome (art, fic, edit, cosplay, etc)! use the tag “LawLuWeek2022″ when you post

Don’t hesitate to ask if you have any questions or concerns! Don’t hesitate to ask if you have any questions or concerns!

twitter|ao3 collection|FAQ|guidelines

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These shots sohuld be from the One Piece anime 1000th episode commemoration.These shots sohuld be from the One Piece anime 1000th episode commemoration.These shots sohuld be from the One Piece anime 1000th episode commemoration.These shots sohuld be from the One Piece anime 1000th episode commemoration.

These shots sohuld be from the One Piece anime 1000th episode commemoration.

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✨ Happy LawLu/LuLaw Day! ✨

Thanks to everyone who joined us in celebrating the 10th Anniversary of Luffy and Law’s relationship

As we hit our final day, we’d like to ask for any feedback on LawLu Week 2022 in our feedback form linked here.

Please fill this out to let us know how we did and any thoughts on future events! Our DMs and inbox are always open as well.


The seasons are changing and it feels like the best time for a little event to celebrate that!

Autumn also comes with Marco’s birthday so why not combine the two :) Starting on Marco’s birthday on October 5th (and ending on October 9th), we’re opening the first event (of a total of four) to celebrate the seasons.

Any creation is welcome, from fanfics and fanarts to playlists, graphics, moodboards, metas.


Day 1: Marco’s birthday || Candle light

Day 2: Autumn island || Autumn leaves

Day 3: Pumpkin spice || Treasure: Bracelet

Day 4: Forest || Harvest

Day 5: Free day

Each day comes with 2 prompts; you can choose only one, or you can work on incorporating both into your work. Any canon or AU setting goes, any slash or pre-slash content as well as SFW or NSFW are all welcome to be a part of the event, as long as Marco and Ace (and autumn) are in the center of it.

The event is open to everyone and we will be accepting SFW and NSFW content. However, due to the Tumblr guidelines, we won’t be reblogging any NSFW art to our Tumblr archive. We will retweet the NSFW entries over on Twitter if you post a SFW preview with a link to the full work (so previews off your SFW profile or entries posted with privatter are great!).

The ao3 collection will be up and announced the closer we get to posting, and it will not be limited to writing only; if you post any of the other content on ao3, you are more than welcome to add it to the collection!

You can follow our Twitter HERE if you’re more active on Twitter.

Let us know if you have any questions! We’re excited to see what everyone comes up with :)



Welcome one and all to the announcement of ZO(ZoNa)NADays!

Situated between their birthdays, there will be a ZoNa event running from September 12th to September 14th! A three day event with some very straightforward themes…

September 12th - Zoro Day, where the swordsman is celebrated however you see fit!

September 13th - ZoNaDay, a day to celebrate them as a couple!

September 14th - Nami Day, where Nami is the center of Zoro’s our attention!

Feel free to interpret the themes of the day however you like. Just remember to tag@zonamievents in any post you create so that I can share it here with your fellow ZoNa crew mates!

And maaaybeee check out a certain post that says I’m accepting drabble requests about ZoNa as a way to kick off this announcement…

The event is less than a month away, so start counting down to our ZoNa Days! ~ Maiden

And…. here it is!


Join your fellow Zoro x Nami shippers who absolutely adore this pairing. We are all excited to see (and also share) anything and everything ZoNa!

[Many thanks of course to the ever-wonderful @maidenoftheworld for coming up with this event! ]


The prompts are here!!

With 4 prompts a day, everyone should be able to find something interesting. Lets go over our monsters. Or are they just Halloween costumes? That’s completely up to you!

The undead: this mostly speaks for itself - zombies, vampires, ghouls… anything neither living nor dead

The beasts: monsters and creatures that don’t have a fully humanoid shape (sometimes or all the time) - werewolves, were-creatures, shifters, harpies… we can’t think of all of them, but we’re sure you know some more!

The spirits: beings without a solid form - ghosts, apparitions, spirits of any kind… is that a ghost or just Chopper covered in a white sheet with holes cut out? we’ll never know.

The Monster Mash: technically a free day where you can write any monster or creature you can think of, whether or not they were in any of the groups from days 1-3. Halloween is the center of this event so it stands to reason that this day is a playground for everyone to do whatever they want (as long as there’s some monsters involved).

What’s the bonus day 5? It’s a little prompt for anyone who wants to do the aftermath of whatever their Halloween is going to look like. Whether it’s a massive hangover after an epic Halloween party or finally seeing the sun rise after surviving a monstrous night, this is the day you can write a little extra.

This is a lot of prompts per day, do all entries need to have all 4? They do not! We decided to give 4 prompts per day (monster, location, detail, and something traditional for Halloween) so we can give participants as much freedom and inspiration as possible. This means you can do just one prompt or you can combine two, three, or all four. We wanted to cover both the fantasy supernatural aspect and a modern wholesome Halloween experience so there’s room for both horror and cuteness.

The AO3 collection and our tag will be posted soon, the closer we get to posting. As always, we’re here if you have any questions!


Welcome to the 2022 Reverse Bang! Thank you for all the responses to the interest check. This post will outline the basics of the event and describe the schedule. If you have any questions, please contact me on tumblr, twitter, or at [email protected]. Once you’ve signed up, you can also ask on the discord.

What is a Reverse Bang?

This event is an opportunity for artists to collaborate with writers. Artists will create 1+ art pieces, and they will be paired with a writer who will then collaborate with the artist to  write a story (minimum 4 k) based on the art work. These can be for any character, any pairing, any situation, etc. Anything goes as long as it’s One Piece related!

How exactly does it work?

Sign ups will be open from 1st October – 1st December for both artists and writers. Once I receive your sign up, you will be sent an invitation to the event discord. Matchups will take place in mid December, where artists will send in a sample of their work (this can be a simple sketch, rough idea, a fully finished piece, or even just a description) and a small form. These will be posted anonymously onto a google document where writers will be allowed to view them for 24 hours. After these 24 hours are up, writers will be able to fill in a form with their top 5 choices of art, and will be allocated these on a first-come-first-serve basis.

After that, you will be able to contact your partner and begin work on the project. How you collaborate is up to you and your partner. There is no wrong or right way, but it is important to know that this is a collaboration. Both of you need to be flexible to work with each other well. There will be a few check-ins throughout the entire process, but if there are ever any issues, please let me know asap so I can help! 

Posting will be through 3rd February through March, and you will be allowed to choose a date to post in late January. It is the aim to have 1-2 projects per day, depending on the number of projects there are, and you are allowed to post on whatever site you like. I will be sending forms out for you to fill in with information about your projects, and these will need to be completed and sent back with links to your work before I can post an announcement. 

How do I sign up?

Sign ups will be posted on the 1st October, and it will be done through a google form.

Why are sign ups so long? 

This year we are doing something a bit different and including a discord, which allows for more collaboration up front. While we will still have anonymous claims for partners, as that was what the majority preferred in the interest check, there were a lot of you who wanted additional time and freedom to collaborate. To that end, I extended the sign up period to two months and will be allowing people to decide on partners after signing up. That way if you find someone in the server who you click with, you’re able to sign up together before claims happen in December. 

You still won’t be able to share your actual in progress work in public or on the server until after match ups in December, but you can share all of your current work, discuss pairings/characters, and see and interact with everyone else’s work. So please take advantage and get to know your fellow participants!

Are NSFW pieces allowed?

Yes, if you are over 18. Only writers who are over 18 will be able to pick that piece for claims. I will post links to the art and fic with the rating clearly posted in the form.

What pairings/characters can I include?

Anything goes as long as it’s from One Piece, and rare pairings or characters are encouraged. There will be someone who the piece inspires, and the event will have a strict ship and let ship policy. 

Do I have to participate in matchups? 

Not at all. You are welcome to sign up with an artist or writer. Both of you just have to let me know who your partners are in sign ups. 

What are the requirements for the event?


At least one completed artwork. This may be a traditional/digital artwork, graphic artwork, or a fanvid. You may submit art for up to two different projects. This artwork needs to be new for this event.


A completed story based on the artwork you chose during the match ups. These stories must be at least 4,000 words. There is no upper limit. You may be able to work on more than one project, depending on how many artists and projects we have.


1st October – 1st December – Official sign ups are open! Artists can begin.

15th - 22nd December -  Art submissions, claiming, and partner match ups take place.

2nd January - Check in  (I will contact artists and writers to ask how things are progressing and need to see how their projects are coming along and partners have been in contact. This is an informal check in, so if the project isn’t too advanced that is okay.)

30th January - Rough draft submission and posting date claims

3rd February - March (approximate) - Posting


♠️ESUKA WEEK 2021♠️

For the 1st year anniversary ofEsuka Day, we are hosting #OPEsukaWeek2021!

FromSept 10th to 16th, we will be celebrating the ship of #AceIsuka!


Choose between the 2 prompts or mix them together!

Day 1: Hungry Days | Confession

Day 2: Family | Picnic

Day 3: Fire | Fight

Day 4: Crossover *

Day 5: Letters | Flowers

Day 6: Stars | Beach

Day 7: Sunset | Kiss

*can be with other series, movies, games, books, etc.

AO3 Collection:OPEsukaWeek2021


All fan works (fanart, fanfiction, cosplay, etc.) are welcome!

Collaboration between artists and/or writers is highly encouraged!

Fan works which are too violent, offensive, or sexual are not allowed. For mildly NSFW works, please use Privatter or Poipiku and use proper tags and warnings.

Doing all prompts is not necessary! Just participate in the ones you like!

Please use the tag #OPEsukaWeek2021.

You can also use the tags:




…especially on Day 7 (16th) on Instagram/Twitter/Tumblr!

You can join us on our Discord Server! It’s a safe space for all Ace x Isuka shippers!

For questions, you can send us ‘asks’ or reach out to our other socials: Instagram|Twitter



Finally you can request your own bingo card. You can do so on this link. We can’t wait to see everyone’s work.


@opfandombase@op-events@faneventshub  thanks :D

sannamiweek:So… from interest check, we know you’re still excited of SanNami Week. And congratulatio


So… from interest check, we know you’re still excited of SanNami Week. And congratulation so now we reach the seventh annual of this yearly event to celebrate!

Sorry for the late announcement that we didn’t give you polling to vote prompts as usual in January. But we now have two options of theme each day. You can pick one or combine it! 

  • SN Day (March 7) - Free theme
  • Day 2 (March 8) - It’s A Date / Fave Canon Moments
  • Day 3 (March 9) - Words / Fave Lines or Dialogue
  • Day 4 (March 10) - Dream / Fave Arc
  • Day 5 (March 11) - Sport / Fave Colorspread
  • Day 6 (March 12) - Wardrobe / Fave Outfit
  • Day 7 (March 13) - Season / Fave Filler or Movie
  • Bonus Day (March 14) - Them at the End of Series

Please note that what we meant about canon in Day 2 is from manga only; go to Day 7 for anime scene. Graphics, manga edits, anime gifs, fanart, fanfic, essay, playlist, cosplay; any kind of your submission are welcomed! And don’t forget to mention us in your caption/post so we could notice and reblog it.

Share this info with other SanNami fans in any social media you have. If you also publish your work in twitter, copy-paste this three hashtags  #サンナミ, #サンナミ週間, and #サンナミ週間2022.If you also publish it on DeviantArt, please submit it to this group (link is here).

Still have question? Just click the askbox button. 

Keep Calm and Love SanNami! 

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