

Once upon a time, in a city buried under white ashes, a shinigami was born.

  He had golden eyes and indigo hair, and he wore a black feathered coat. The shinigami’s name was Law, and he never separated from his trusted scythe, Kikoku.

  The shinigami would travel the world to collect people’s hearts and bless them with death: saving people from the suffering of injuries and illness was his mission.

  However, despite Law’s good intentions, his world was wrapped in darkness. Like in the ocean depths, sunlight couldn’t reach him. Loneliness was everything he felt, but Law was resigned to his fate: he was a “Death God”, after all.

  One day, though, the shinigami would meet a boy as bright as the sun, and his life would forever change.

Once upon a time, in a village blessed by a kind wind, Nika was born.

  The boy had curious eyes and a radiant smile, and a straw hat with a red ribbon adorned his head like a crown.

  “Nika” wasn’t the boy’s real name, though. His actual name was Luffy, and his dream was to become a pirate, free and unshackled.

  Luffy’s adventures would be incredible, and he would meet several friends along the way—including an older boy with dark circles under his eyes.

  Luffy felt immediately attracted to the gloomy youth and eventually got through to him. He learned that his name was “Law” and that he was a shinigami, but the solar boy didn’t mind that because he felt that, deep inside, Law was good-natured.

  Soon, the affection between the two boys became a different feeling. Something warmer, deeper.

Once upon a time, a shinigami met the reincarnation of the Sun God Nika, and love cleared the Death God’s world of its shadows.

@lawluevents My sixth contribution to the LawLu Week 2022 (DAY 6 - “gods” prompt) is a fairytale-style triple drabble!  ^^

“Law? …Laaaw!”

  The insistent voice brought Law back to the present. For a moment, he had been lost in memories he hadn’t known owning.

  —Memories of pirates, ships and submarines, bread (ew!)and…hearts?

  Why did he hate bread all of a sudden? Why did he remember the face of that new student in his school?!

  “Hey, Law!”

 —The same student who keeps calling my name.

  Law glanced at the grin on the younger boy’s face.

 Your smile is still like the sun.

  Law put a hand on his face, sighed, and finally replied, “What?”

   “Do you remember too, Law?”

  …Yes, he remembered. He remembered that troublesome boy from his past. (Past what? Past life? Law wasn’t sure what to think of the new memories—or better, old memories—flooding his mind yet.)

   “Law? Are you ok?”

   The nerve. “You are reckless, do you know that?” Law blurted out.

   “I’m the Pirate King! Of course I am!”

  Luffy looked so proud of himself that Law almost smiled. Almost.

 So, what are we? Soul mates?

  He couldn’t believe he was even thinking that. And yet…

 The moment my eyes met Luffy’s for the first time, it happened.

  Law had recalled his past life, and Luffy had apparently done the same.

 He also nearly killed himself to run after his straw hat.

  Law had saved Luffy by grabbing him by the sleeve of his uniform. The cup ramen Luffy was eating spilt a bit, but the boy was too happy he had got his hat back before it got carried away by the wind to complain about the wasted food.

 Are you an idiot? You nearly jumped from the school roof to run after an old hat.

  Law sighed again, a hand still on his forehead.

  No, it isn’t just an old hat. It’s your treasure, and the moment our eyes locked, you remembered about it too.

  “I still like you, La—” Luffy stopped for a moment before saying, “Torao.” The grin on his face grew even bigger.

  “…Can’t you at least drop that silly nickname?”

  “I’ll try, Torao.”

  Luffy’s smile was so bright and honest that Law couldn’t get angry at him.

 I can say goodbye to my peaceful school days.

@lawluevents My fifth contribution to the LawLu Week 2022 (DAY 5 - “soul mates” prompt) is a flash fiction set in the Hungry DaysAU!

“Thank you,” Luffy told him one day, grinning brightly.

  Where was that coming from? Law was confused. “W-welcome…” he finally muttered, lowering his hat to cover his eyes. However, he couldn’t conceal the timid smile that had appeared on his face.

  Why am I feeling this way?

  Luffy’s words had made Law’s heart flutter. He would never admit it, though, nor would confess he was the one who should say “thank you” to the younger pirate.

  For helping me avenge Cora-san…

  Law’s smile briefly disappeared.

  …and bringing sunshine into my life.

  Law’s future wasn’t gloomy and uncertain anymore. Now, he could walk ahead with steady steps, looking at the sun shining before him—literally andmetaphorically.

@lawluevents My third contribution to the LawLu Week 2022 (DAY 3 - “thank you” prompt) is a short vignette, but I hope you’ll like it! ☀️

Just standing next to him took his breath away.

   It wasn’t for the younger pirate’s peculiar scent (he smelled of sweat and meat from the last party, but it wasn’t so bad), but something related to his presence.

   Luffy’s Haki—especially his Conqueror Haki—was overwhelming even for someone like Law. He wouldn’t collapse like most people did when Luffy let his “ambition” expand freely, but Law’s heart still pounded faster as his ears ringed. A sensation similar to floating assaulting him, he had to use his longsword as support not to drop to trembling knees.

   “I’m the Pirate King!” Luffy had yelled upon reaching the last island in the Grandline, tears of joy brimming in his eyes.

   Law had lost count of how many days had passed since that groundbreaking event. Anyway, like every night since then, he couldn’t sleep. “The Polar Tang dives deeper into the ocean as the dark rings under my eyes grow deeper, too,” he mused, alone in the captain’s quarters of his submarine.

   A recurring thought—no, feeling—was keeping Law awake. The same emotion which had surged inside him standing beside the Pirate King.

  You’re the freest person in the world.

   Law smiled. Luffy had finally achieved his dream.

   But what about me? Do I have a goal anymore?

   Law rolled on his bed, uneasy, reminding himself that Cora-san hadn’t saved him because of the “D” in his name.

   Trafalgar D Water Law.

   Law repeated his full name in his head and sighed.

   By accompanying Luffy on his voyage to the last island of the Grand Line, Law had learned the meaning of both the “D” and “Water” in his name. That should have given him a new purpose—a new dream—but he had felt empty since he and Luffy had taken different paths.

   Our alliance was only temporary, after all.

   Was he fine with that, though?

   No, I’m not.

   He thought about Luffy constantly, and even if separated by a waste expanse of water, he still felt his presence.

   I… I love you.

   Shortly after Law silently confessed his feelings, he finally fell asleep.

   The following day, the captain of the Heart Pirates would start a new journey to reunite with the person who had stolen his ownheart.

@lawluevents My tenth and final contribution to the LawLu Week 2022 (DAY 10 - “confession” prompt) is another flash fiction from Law’s point of view.
I had lots of fun making art and writing for this event, thanks for organizing it!  ^^

Chapter 2

WHEN SOMEONE KNOCKS on the door of her room, Koala is already fully awake.

  I’m surprised.

  Less than one day has passed since she joined the Revolutionary Army, yet she has been able to sleep soundly.

  “Who is it?” Koala asks, covering herself with her cloak.

  “It’s me, Rin.”

  The boy’s voice has a mischievous tone, and Koala blushes. She stands up and approaches the door without opening it.

  A deep breath, and then Koala asks, “Do you need something?” Her face is burning. Why does she feel like that around that boy?

  “The Commanders have arrived,” Rin replies, his tone turned serious, “and Dragon has granted you permission to assist at the reunion together with me.” A pause, and then he adds, “Sabo will be there, too.”

  “O-ok, give me a moment,” Koala replies nervously. Without realising it, she has started cleaning the door with her cloak.

  —When will I get rid of this habit?!

  Koala forces herself to stop and rushes to the mirror to comb her hair. Some strands still stuck out wildly, but she looks decent now. Koala has only one outfit with her, consisting of large brown pants and a yellow shirt, so she is ready in a moment. After taking a deep breath, she opens the door and says, “I didn’t think newcomers were allowed to the Commanders’ assembly.”

  “It’s a special case,” Rin replies with a large grin. “I put in a good word with Dragon-san for you.”

  “Oh.” Koala doesn’t know what to say.

  “Relax! I just think that your ideas about nobles and revolutionaries are interesting.” Sabo elaborates further. “You have the potential to become Dragon-san’s assistant.”

  So, you’ve recommended me only based on your impressions.

Koala doesn’t know if feeling flattered or humiliated by that. After all, she hasn’t proven her worth yet. Her ambition clashes with her insecurities, though; how will she be able to show she is a valuable resource for the Revolutionary Army if she doesn’t want to stand out?

  “Are you ok?” Rin asks, concerned.

  Koala glances at him. He, too, is wearing the same clothes as when they met the first time: a white tank top, long green pants, and a hat of the same colour that contrasts with his purple hair. Despite herself, Koala’s eyes linger on Rin’s arms: the burn scars on them make her recall the mark on her back.

  “I got these around two years ago,” Rin explains, noticing the direction of her gaze.

  “—I’m s-sorry!” Koala stutters, ashamed. “I didn’t want you to bring painful memories back.”

  “It’s ok,” Rin smiles at her. “I like talking with you.”

  Koala’s face feels warmer, and she tries not to stare at his kind smile. “I… I like talking with you, too,” she whispers. She pauses before making up her mind and deciding she can trust him. “I have a scar, too,” she reveals; it’s the first time in years she tells about the mark on her back to someone. “I was a slave once…”

   Rin’s expression clouds. Even in her embarrassment, Koala sees flames burning in his eyes, but a compassionate light replaces them soon.

  Encouraged by his reaction, she continues, “The Celestial Dragon marked me with their ‘paw,’ but later my saviour tattooed a sun over it.” Koala smiles. “I’m free now.” She wants to believe it but, at the same time, is aware that her past still shackles her mind.

  “A sun…” Rin mutters, pensive. “I heard about Fishmen people searching for a “path to the sun…’” The boy looks at Koala with curiosity. “Is your saviour one of them?”

  “Yes, he was a fishman,” Koala replies sadly.

  Rin’s expression turns sombre at her careful choice of words.

  Koala’s hands close into fists and her shoulders tremble slightly. Soon, though, warmer hands take hers into them, and she looks up.

  Koala’s eyes meet Rin’s smile.

  “You aren’t alone,” he says. “I’m your friend.”

  Koala wipes the tears from her eyes and nods at him. “Thanks, Rin.”

  “It’s nothing—but here we are!” the boy says happily.

 Does he want to distract me from my dark thoughts?

  Rin has stopped before a door with the symbol of the Revolutionary Army’s flag carved into it. “This is Dragon’s office,” he announces with a grin. “The Commanders are already in.”

  Koala swallows nervously, trying to slow down her heartbeat.

  Be sure of yourself.

  Wishing to give a good first impression, Koala lifts her chin and follows the boy into the room with firm steps.


I’ll try to update this multi-chapter story monthly to celebrate the #saboala_hd27cmday event. You can find the prologue and the first chapter linked in the comments!  ^^
(Sabo will be introduced in the next chapter!)
