#opossum in my pocket



The moment where Chris realizes that the CPS may ahve the opossum’s playing dead instinct is such a great, and lowkey feelsy, moment. You can tell when the thought that this voukd affect Martin hits him, and it hits him hard. It starts as just worry but when Aviva confirms that the suit should have all the opossum features, you csn ser the fear in Chris’ expression as he grabs Aviva and declares that they find Martin. It’s not as common to see Chris worry about his big brother, or at least it’s usually the other way around, but when it happens? Ah, it makes me happy/sad XD

Of course since this is a kids show, Martin is fine and only fell asleep instead of appearing dead. But still, Chris didn’t know that. Heck when he finds him, his line is “Brother, wake up!” with clear worry in his tone. Martin wakes up wnd is perfectly fine, so they get back to reacuing Jillybean. But it’s these small moments that I love so much~

Also if you wanna see a more dramatic alternate version of this episode playing with this plot point, read this fic. It’s great~!

Yessss, I adore all of those subtle little things that emphasize just how much they mean to each other. Bro feels forever!

(And thanks for the shout-out, btw. That fic was so much fun to write! )
