#or have to defend ourselves to gif stealers




On a social platform the gifs made by those special people who know how it leads to watching the show. The gifs interest them and make people go oh look maybe this is a badass show and I should watch it. And when you are then obsessed with said show, you are blowing up ratings, buying merch, telling more people… all in all Stations like syfy and showcase and I’m sure all the others who have tumblrs are sitting back int their swivel chairs thanking the lord above that they have other people doing their dirty work. 

Now there are people who google or search we heart it, and find a gif they like. Instead of going to the watermarked NAME on the gif they just post it themselves because hey why not post this witty gif and get notes and followers? Why? Because it’s 50 shades of fucked up. you walked up stole someone’s art and said it was yours (Posting it at all is posting under the guise that you made it) 

Tumblr also agrees with gifmakers on this. This is why they will take the post down and delete it from the blogs of everyone who has reblogged the stolen material. Don’t believe me? Ask the large number of people who no longer have my gifs on their posts. 

LONG STORY SHORT: We do credit the shows and movies by tagging them as what they are, the show/movie gets free publicity and from that free money. Don’t bite the hand that makes good content because then we bite back with tumblr support. 

