#or maybe even before



We talk a lot about exhausted sickies. Today let’s discuss exhausted caretakers.

Ones who wake with every harsh cough or hard sneeze. Those who’ve made medicine runs for decongestant, cough syrup, prescriptions, tissues, lozenges, food, anything the sick person needs. Who’ve sat up comforting the sick person, holding them as they cough after only getting a few hours of sleep. Who are running on caffeine and sugar (maybe nicotine) to make sure their patient has everything they need to feel even a smidge better. The caretakers who manage maybe to sit for a minute closing their eyes which are lined with bags only to hear coughing from the bedroom, they sigh and get up with a “Hey, you up already? What can I get you?”

They’re so freaking tired but they won’t rest until their patient feels better.
