#original post


Ah yes, a music stand. Or as I like to call it…

a makeshift easel

I know teachers try to pretend that they don’t overanalyse everything, but…

I bought my media teacher a box of chocolates as an end of school year present and she just emailed me asking if I bought her a box of chocolates because in media class we had to study an advert for the same chocolate??

I know it’s probably unlikely , but I wanna see HER in Arcane


Toga , trying to explode Deku with her mind :


Bkdk’s are hilarious cuz they act like Bakugo is the more glaringly obvious gay one as if Deku isn’t prancing around in thigh high boots & using the mannerisms of an anime girl

As much as I wish this were really true , I doubt it The dudes who say Deku is hetero often say he’s ’obviously straight’ which makes me think that they’re just in complete denial of Deku’s queer behavior all together adjsktv - Plus I think it’s a safe bet that the dudes who vehemently hate on gay headcanons aren’t too keen on breaking down gender roles either lol

You know that premise of 1 or more animals imprinting on a character ? Bakugo is the type of dude that would happen to . As an angry grumpy badass who is also gentle with animals , Katsuki is definitely the type who would end up stumbling into fatherhood when he finds a litter of kittens on patrol or something & he reluctantly ends up taking care of them while also complaining about it Adjsktv

Also when Bakugo comes back to the agency , everyone sees Dynamight grumpily stomping in holding like 5 kittens & like 3 more crawling on his shoulders & his head like ‘these dumb cats imprinted on me’ and it takes everything Deku has in him to not cry or shriek with joy because how could you not ??? It’s Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight holding a litter of cats who think he’s their mom !!! It’s the sweetest thing ever !!

Then while Bakugo is confused about why Deku looks like he’s about to break down , Shoto films him on his phone , and then everyone gets to see Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight angrily yelling at Shoto while gently holding a bunch of kittens & he tries to accusingly point at Shoto while yelling but he ends up angrily gesturing with a kitten - and that is when his rant comes to an end & he leaves because Bakugo decides he has already compromised his mean edgy tough guy persona enough for one day

Izuku’s repressed ass after screaming at Compress to give Kacchan back to HIM as if Deku OWNS Katsuki :

Them Crooked Vultures really just dropped the sickest rock album ever and then dipped … they formed a legendary band with ONE album and then said “ok we’re done now goodbye”

Bkdk’s are hilarious cuz they act like Bakugo is the more glaringly obvious gay one as if Deku isn’t prancing around in thigh high boots & using the mannerisms of an anime girl

Praying for this little lad to be an enemy in the prequel game

Is it me or does it feel like Bkdk is going through a renaissance ? Like I’ve recently been noticing a lot of bangin’ analysis’ , speculation , discussions , and fandom content - maybe it’s just my involvement in the fandom changing but idk it feels like there’s been a boom of Bkdk stuff and I’ve been seeing a lot of great , newer concepts and revelations in the Bkdk fandom lately - Not only that but more & more of our predictions & speculations are being validated , and in the Bkdk fandom there’s definitely been a more hopeful outlook & it kinda feels like it’s been increasingly rewarding to be a Bkdk shipper - is it just me that sees it ? Lmk

“Deku fell first but Bakugo fell harde-” No . I think they have both fallen REAL hard , both around the same time as kids . Here’s a real one for y'all :

Bakugo realizes it first , but Deku’s realization hits him harder .

Katsuki is more self aware & seems to be more introspective with his emotions , so he probably gradually becomes aware of what his feelings are from before the war to the aftermath in the hospital . He slowly puts everything together in his head & assesses what his feelings mean , so by the time he comes to the conclusion that he’s in love with Deku it’s not even that surprising to him cuz he’s been slowly building to that conclusion for a while . And at that point he just decides to accept it and try to do anything he can to protect Deku & help him .

Now Deku is different - he’s open about complimenting Bakugo & doesn’t deny that he thinks Kacchan is amazing , but he frequently hides his deeper emotions for Bakugo until they chaotically boil over , like when Monoma insulted Bakugo , when the LOV took him , and when AFO stabbed him . Deku represses the true extent of his feelings for Bakugo - like how he denied there being an external trigger for black-whip , & when Toga brought up the imitation=love thing but Deku avoided talking about Bakugo . Deku doesn’t seem to be able to really stop & think about these feelings .

After all this time , Deku still hasn’t caught up with his feelings yet , but when he does it’ll hit him like a ton of bricks .

I love all of the meta analysis material us Bkdk’s have gotten simply from the concept of “Izuku wears his heart on his sleeve until he doesn’t”

So I got a crazy thought … if Noguchi is actually hinting at a real plot point in Mha with that sketch , maybe this is how we get the 2nd user’s quirk -

I thought it would be unlocked from Deku going berserk over Kacchan getting hurt , but it might be the other way around - like before Dk gets hurt , he shares OFA with Bk , and then Dk getting severely wounded makes Bk go feral & unlock the 2nd user’s quirk

Bkdk’s Noguchi posted & deleted this sketch - beware this is angsty

Ok but this flavor of bkdk >>>>>>


Sssshhhhh … the gays are communicating …

Monoma , buddy , your bitter crush on Bakugo is showing “I’m almost impressed at how low-down and dirty you are” this is a PUBLIC bath sir these queers have no shame

Xarann, my drow wizlock. Expect to see much of him as I post more art hah

Xarann, my drow wizlock. Expect to see much of him as I post more art hah

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