#original post


been playing botw for the first time recently

I keep sending letters to Mr. Eccleston asking why the Queen is still alive and he sent this back

Christopher Eccleston is photoshopped over the "I do not control the speed at which lobsters die" meme but the text reads "I do not control the speed at which the Queen dies."ALT

I think he likes his present

Church, Hipbone by Caitlin Bailey, from Solve for Desire

Text ID:

Equal the church, the hipbone, the sliced ocean.

Woman and Nature by Susan Griffin

Text ID:

It is declared then that man is an animal, and he is the most perfect animal.
That according to the laws of survival, a creature wills himself and his species to perfection.
(“What was her womanhood,” it is written, “that it could stand against the energy of his manly will.”)
That “the stronger and the better equipped… eat the weaker and … the larger species devour the smaller.”
And it is stated that if women were not meant to be dominated by men, they would not have been created weaker.
