#orihime x rukia


Whats Wrong WithBLEACH?”


  • ·         Destroy the Bleach fandom by implying that the only importance of Bleach or the only reason they read Bleach is because of pairings
  • ·         Don’t regard almost any other character as being important to the plot
  • ·         Would rather see the character in the ship die than see them with anybody else.
  • ·         Bash and Bully each other
  • ·         Hate characters just because they get in the middle of their favorite pairing
  • ·         Forget that Bleach is not about pairings
  • ·         Think that because a ship is canon, that it would be a crime to continue shipping their favorite pairing whether in Art/Fanfiction/Head Canons/etc

Conclusion: Face reality these ships are now canon… Regardless of which character ended up with each other, you are entitled to draw/write/talk about whatever you like to ship be it Straight/Yaoi/Yuri. Expect to be judged, just ignore it. Find people who share your point of views and don’t treat others with disrespect. If you would like to draw your own alternate ending, Please Do! It would be an adventure to see how other fans would end the series.

What do I ship? LOL I still ship Ichihime, Ichiruki, RenIchi, IchiNel, GrimIchi, IchiKen and whoever else I feel like shipping him with. That includes EVERYONE else in the series. Though I never really cared about pairing to begin with. I’m not going to lie I have always tried to stay away from the IchiRuki and the IchiHime community… it’s a dark place… Oh and If you ever want to draw something for me draw me Ichigo x Axel (kh my sick fantasy) I will love you forever…

I really hate shipping wars because I don’t understand why everyone makes a big deal about it just ship whatever you want. I am truly sorry if you feel you wasted your time. I do to, but it has NOTHING to do with pairing. I will post again sometime today or tomorrow to explain, “Whats Wrong With Bleach.” I just felt I had to address this today because I had so many sad followers and this is what really takes up most of my ask box… sadly… Oh I am truly sorry if IchiHime fans feel I am not showing much support for the pairing. I’m sure there are lots of other blogs who are shoving the canon pairings into eachothers faces (Truly not judging you lol some are hilarious reactions and you are entitled to let yourself feel great pride and passion in your ship) But personally I have MANY IchiHime AND IchiRuki followers and I personally have respect for both of you! I don’t want to make anyone feel bad. LOL and sadly I just have way more respect for Orihime and Rukia than I do for Ichigo. <3

Anyway just letting you all know that I really do care about you guys! You are the reason why I am anybody on tumblr! This Bleach Blog will definitely continue, regardless of any reasons! Just expect less drawing this week as my inbox is filled with hate for these two girls right now, which by the way you should see some they are so hilarious xD some of the insults are just crazy funny didn’t even know Origo and abusive Rukia was a thing LOL. REST ASSURE THE HATE WAS NOT DIRECTED AT ME! But at the two girls. I am a fan of roasting and this some next level stuff xD

The Real Reason of Whats Wrong With Bleach.” Coming Soon!
