#oscar boscar


This is how I found Oscar when I woke up this morning

We got new patio furniture

He’s upset that there’s a blanket in the way and that his dad isn’t home tonight to tuck him in

Oscar meet some Farm Friend for the first time yesterday! He was very excited but also very respectful! When we visited them again this morning, one of the goats had taken quite a looking to him

Oscar,@adraicbrom, and I are staying at a little farmhouse this weekend for a bit of R&R. Oscar seldom gets any off leash time (beyond our yard anyway), and he’s really enjoying himself here! He’s the bestest boy!

“I like to snooze in my Miimaa’s (@pokefan211) lap!”

He was going through a rough patch with the floor. It’s been better this last week, but boy the struggle was REAL

Oscar wears a muzzle when he’s outside on his own (to deter him from eating so much dirt), so when he comes back inside, he rubs his face all over everything!

It had been sprinkling a bit for the whole 10 minutes we’d already been walking, but he hit his limit, turned around, and literally DRAGGED us back home as fast as he could.

Winter is difficult for the Boy

I’m annoyed I wasn’t filming seconds prior because all I had said was “Hey Oscar” and he perked his ears up expectantly, and more importantly, very cutely.

He wears a muzzle when he goes outside on his own to help deter him from eating so much dirt. When he comes back inside he rubs his face all over everything!

He looks cute no matter what position he’s in

Are y'all aware of how cute Oscar is?


Did a Pride shoot with the critters and Oscar makes the dumbest faces I CAN’T

When mum make you pose for photo instead of just gib hotdog
