#oscar isaac fic


The Co-Worker Rule (Steven Grant, Marc Spector, and Jake Lockley x Reader)


Summary:With the Avengers’ ranks depleted in the aftermath of the blip, your team needs heroes. Your mission is to recruit the Moon Knight. What you didn’t expect was to fall for him.

Fluff, Adventure

Pairings: Mainly Steven Grant x reader, Marc Spector x reader, Jake Lockley x reader

Warnings:  I did my best to accurately represent DID but please tell me if there are errors, canon typical violence, some blood, broken bones, super-powered reader, not really edited yet, I cannot write a fic where I don’t talk about Oscar’s nose and hair

A/N:Based on this request: I absolutely LOVED secret identities!!! Do you think you can do another avengers!xreader and marc/Steven/jake story!! Mange the reader is sent to recruit moonknight and then end up falling for each other?

This is not the Secret Identities sequel (my other Avengers!reader fic). The sequel is coming soon!

Marc Spector. Steven Grant. Jake Lockley. Three men, two superheroes, one body, and exactly who the Avengers needed. Well, to be fair the Avengers needed anyone with superpowers. 

That’s how you found yourself in London watching Steven Grant sit on a park bench, eat a sandwich, and stare into the sunset. The crowds were gone by the time dusk fell, and it was just you and Steven. You wouldn’t risk civilian casualties if he turned out to be a lose cannon, so you’d waited.

You approached carefully and sat on the bench beside Steven who stared silently into the distance. He’s really very handsome with his curly hair and dark eyes, and the silhouette of his nose and jaw in the setting sun has you swallowing hard. Without so much as a glance, he holds out a foil wrapped panini from the stand he stopped at earlier, offering it to you like you were an old friend.

“Probably cold now,” he finally says in a thick British accent. “Saw you following me when I left work. Thought you might be hungry too. S’not poisoned or nothing’.” 

“What do you mean it’s not poisoned?” Jake hisses. “I told you to drug them.”

“Jake, we don’t have access to anything to drug someone,” Marc is confused. “Do we?”

You can’t help but smile a little bit at Steven Grant and take the food he’s offering. You are hungry, and though the hours old food would sit badly in a normal human’s stomach, you’re unconcerned. And if it’s poisoned, well, poison didn’t really work on you.

“So what do you want then?” Steven finally looks at you.

You have a mouthful of food, and all you can do is freeze as the full weight of Steven Grant’s gaze settles on you.

“Ever heard of the Avengers?” you opt to cut right to the chase.

“What? Are we stupid?” Marc hisses.

“Hasn’t everyone?” Steven filters Marc’s snide remark.

“I’m an Avenger.”

“Bullshit. Give me the body!”

“We know about,” you debate the best way to sound non-threatening and end up gesturing vaguely to his whole body. “you and are interested-”

The man hears nothing else that you say, just Jake’s voice.

“Steven, give me the body,” his alter says with deadly calm.

Steven doesn’t, just keeps staring at you. Sadness fills his deep brown eyes.

“Don’t try to take me in,” he mutters. “It won’t end well for you.”

“No, no,” you put a hand on his knee. “I’m not here to arrest you or anything like that.”

Steven glances down at your hand, and you draw it back quickly, apologetically.

“We want to recruit you for the initiative,” you explain, rubbing your hands together as you talk. “After Cairo, Moon Knight is a bit of a hero amongst us Avengers.”

Steven looks at you with slightly parted lips. The sun catches in his dark curls, and as you’re staring at him thinking that he is one of the most beautiful human beings you’ve ever seen he’s staring back thinking the same thing.

“Keep it together, buddy,” Marc says. “I don’t disagree with you, but-”

“This is dangerous. Someone knows about us! Mierda! Do the Avengers know about all of us?”

You look him up and down. God, you want to touch those curls. Stop. Focus. You have got to focus. You cross your arms, leaning forward onto your knees and pulling your gaze away from Steven to look into the distance.

“After the blip, the battle, we lost so much. The team scattered, but our enemies didn’t. I’m not asking you to live in a tower or at the new compound. We just need heroes willing to defend those who can’t defend themselves,” you let the sadness tinge your voice, sadness for your lost team. “Heroes who will answer the call when it’s time.”

“I’m not a hero.”

The accent is gone. You glance over at Marc Spector, his brows furrowed deeply as he studies you. He thinks he believes you, even though Jake is still suspicious. It’s the tragic honesty of your plea that makes him comfortable enough to front. And it’s the perfect opportunity to see just how much you know.

“Nice to meet you, Marc.”

“Looks like the answer is everything,” Jake hisses.“Everything!”

Reluctantly, Marc allows Jake to front. You can tell instantly by how his mouth sets in a tight line that you’re looking at the third alter. Jake clearly sees you as a threat. All you know from the file is that he is “the most violent of the three,” which is an assessment you think is unfair. It seemed to you that Jake only fronted when the system was in real danger, only took lives when absolutely necessary, did anything to protect Marc and Steven. You admired him for it, respected him.

But if he saw you as a threat, then you were in trouble. Shit.

You jump to your feet, taking a defensive stance as Jake stands too, looking at you with a slightly tilted head and menacing eyes.

“You want us to be an Avenger?” He growls. “What if I don’t believe you?”

He steps closer, closer.

“Jake, I think she’s telling the truth,” Steven interrupts.

“I’ll be the judge of that,” he says aloud then lunges for you.

You side step him, raising your hands and blocking his punch easily. He spins and kicks. You slide back to avoid it, totally on the defensive, not having any desire to really fight Jake. That is, until he finds your ribs with a hard kick. Something cracks. Instinct takes over then. You kick him right in the chest, sending Jake staggering backward.

“Not bad,” he grins like this is some sort of game.

You glance around, making sure the park is still empty. You don’t want the cops called on an Avenger fighting a vigilante. There’s no one. You leap at Jake, tossing punch after punch that he blocks easily. Just as you intended. He’s distracted and doesn’t notice you step in to sweep out his leg, knocking him flat on his butt.

He kicks your ankle hard, and you fall forward to your knees. By the time you realize what’s happening, he’s back on his feet in a low crouch. You use your momentum to roll forward, back on your feet in an instant only inches from Jake. He strikes forward; you catch his arm, locking out his wrist and elbow and spinning him around. You raise a knee to strike his face, and he grabs your thigh.

Add some degree of super strength to Moon Knight’s list of powers. He hooks an arm under your leg and flips you onto your back, shaking your grip free as the air whooshes from your lungs. Pain shoots through your side. Jake’s body collapses heavily on yours, pinning you beneath him. He straddles your waist, leaning forward over you.

You bring an elbow across his face and blood sprays from his nose.

“Alright, I’m definitely buying the Avengers thing,” Marc says.

Jake wasn’t quite convinced. He draws back a hand and you jerk your head to the side to avoid the punch. He hits the ground instead. You use his shifted weight to get your legs around his waist, and flip him to the side so you’re on top with him pinned beneath you.

“That was hot.”

“Steven, you are just one giant intrusive thought right now,” Jake replies silently as he stares up you.

For a moment, you think you’ve reached a truce and relax your body ever so slightly. That’s exactly what Jake wanted. He reaches for your neck. You bat his hand away. He tries again. You block again, and he grabs your wrist instead, yanking you closer so he can wrap his strong arms around your back and flip you back over.

“That was hot,” it’s Marc’s turn to admire you.

A flash of gold then a cold blade is pressed to your neck, pricking the skin.

“Easy, Jake,” Steven warns.

Blood from Jake’s face drips across yours as he glowers down at you.

Power flares in your hands, but you will it back to sleep. He’s not really going to hurt you. He was pulling his punches. This is a test, some sort of strange initiation to see if you’re trustworthy enough for Jake Lockley. You meet his gaze with a measured look of complete calm. He tilts his head.

“Hmm, te creo,” he sheathes the crescent shaped blade. “I believe you.”

He sits back and offers you a hand, pulling you to your feet. You feel the tiny mark on your neck that’s bleeding a surprising amount. Jake touches his nose tenderly. It’s definitely broken. And so are your ribs you realize as you struggle to take a deep breath.

“Here,” you reach for him first, letting your powers flow through you as you trace his busted nose with a feather light touch.

When his nose snaps back into place, he doesn’t so much as flinch. But he is staring at you with raised eyebrows. You run a hand over your neck, healing the tiny cut, then press your palm to your side. It hurts like it always does as your bones click back together.

“Fuck,” you hiss under your breath, trying and failing to bite back a pained moan.

“Now that was hot,” Jake says silently

“Imagine hearing that sound because of us,” Marc adds, the image of you squirming underneath them flashing through their minds courtesy of Marc.

“We are hearing that sound because of us,” Steven snaps. “Someone - Jake - broke their ribs!”

“Lay off Steven. I was assessing a threat.”

“Whatever you say, mate. Threat assessed.”

“So the Avengers?” Marc asks, wiping blood from his face with the back of his hand.

“I take it I passed,” You remark wryly, not even blinking at the appearance of Marc.

It was the weirdest recruiting mission you had ever been on, but if beating the shit out of each other for a few minutes convinced Jake, Steven, and Marc that you were genuine, then that’s what you’d do.

Marc stepped close to you and raised his hand to your face, touching the spattering of blood there. His face changes, softens. Steven’s palm flattens over your cheek, and without realizing it you lean into the warmth.

“My flat’s a few blocks away,” he offers. “You can clean up there, talk to all of us about the Avengers.”

His eyes are wide as his gaze roves your face, a little smile quirking his lips up. You’re equally as enraptured by him, by all of them really.

“Oh, he’s got it bad,” Jake remarks.

In the end, Steven walks you back to his flat, listening to you talk about the new Avengers Initiative all the while. Marc and Jake jump into the conversation here and there, and in the fifteen minutes it takes to reach Steven’s door, your mission is complete. Moon Knight is an Avenger.

You could go. Right then, you could turn around, wish Steven - and Marc and Jake - the best, tell them you’ll see them later, and go back to the compound. You should go, but there is something magnetic about the three men that makes you follow Steven Grant into his flat.

He sits you on the edge of his bed and cleans the blood from your face with a damp cloth, kneeling between your legs the whole time in a way that makes you feel… things. Damn it. When you were recruited to the team, you made a personal rule that a romance, however brief, would never be an option with a fellow Avenger. Steven is by all rights an Avenger now. The co-workers rule had always kept you out of trouble before. So yes you could admire how handsome this man was, but no, there could be no romance, no sex, nothing.

When your face and neck are clean, Steven absentmindedly puts a hand on your thigh, high on your thigh, and sits back on his knees. There is fire where he’s touching you. Damn it, you curse to yourself. Remember the rule.

Trying to distract yourself, you take the cloth from him and dab at his face that is still bloody from the broken nose. It forces you to lean closer as you hold his head still with one hand and wipe blood away with the other. His face is soft with just a hint of afternoon stubble on his cheek and jaw. This was not a good choice for a distraction.

He’s looking up at you with those big dark eyes, and when he makes eye contact, he hold you still with just his gaze.

“Come on, Steven!” Marc cheers him on.

Steven doesn’t think. He takes your face between his hands and kisses you like a dying man taking his last breath. He leans you back, pressing you flat to the bed and moving to hover over you, kissing you all the while.

“I-is this alright?” Steven asks, pulling back so your noses are barely brushing.

No. It’s breaking the rule. That’s what you should say. But your hands are pressed to the smooth muscles of his chest, moving almost of their own accord to feel him through his shirt. 

“Yes,” you decide right then to take a leap of faith.

The smile that lights up Steven’s face is contagious. You would break every rule in the world just to see him smile. You’re grinning back at him as he shifts his body atop yours. Fighting Jake had been - dare you say it - fun, but this was better. Steven is warm and gentle in all the right ways, and you think that if you ever get the chance you’d find that Marc and Jake would be rough in all the right ways. But for now, this is enough. More than enough.

Steven’s hands roam your face like he’s trying to memorize every bit of it. You’re raising goosebumps along his side as you slip your hands under the soft fabric of his shirt.

And just as you are about to tear this beautiful man’s clothes off, your phone vibrates loudly in your pocket. The moment is broken. You fumble for the device, brushing the back of your hand awkwardly across Steven’s… oh shit. He huffs softly.

“Sorry,” you mutter, feeling how hard he is with that quick touch.

He moves his eyes up, averting his gaze from you with a slightly embarrassed half-grin, half-grimace.

“Hello,” you answer, calming your breathing.

You’re still laying under Steven who is braced on his elbows with hands hovering awkwardly around your head.

“Any updates?”

Why did it have to be Sam Wilson calling you right now? It felt like your older brother had just walked in on you having sex. It wasn’t sex… yet, and Sam wasn’t your older brother… biologically, but that might has well have been the situation.

“Yeah, it uh… went well. He’s on board.”

You glance at Steven who is watching you curiously, actively running a hand through your hair now.

“Good. So we’ll see you back here early morning then?” Sam asks.

“I um… I missed my flight,” that is technically true.

“Missed flight?” You hear Bucky shout and pull the phone from your ear as his voice gets louder. “They’re fucking. I knew it! I saw those pictures of him, and I knew this was the end of your stupid co-worker rule!”

“We’re not-” you start, then stop; lying to Bucky and Sam has never been your best skill. “We-”

Marc grabs the phone from your hand; you don’t know when the change occurred. He could definitely hear Bucky’s yelling.

“We’re trying to,” he speaks into the phone.

You can hear Bucky’s happy shouting on the other line, Sam trying to calm him down. Then Marc hangs up and tosses your phone aside.

“Now where were we?” Marc’s voice shifts to Steven’s British accent mid-sentence.

You bury your fingers in his soft curly hair, dragging Steven’s face down to yours and pressing your lips to his soft ones. You’d followed your co-worker rule for years, but not anymore. Steven moans quietly, a deep throaty sound that shoots heat through your body.

It was like Stark had always said, rules are made to be broken.

Tag List: @love-on-the-murder-scene@bookfrog242​ (Let me know if you want added to my Moon Knight list or if I missed you. I’m really bad at maintaining these.)

My Master List


Playing With Fire

Co-written with @love-on-the-murder-scene

A/N: This took weeks to write but I enjoyed it immensely. A huge thank you to my co-writer for your hours of help brainstorming, editing, laughing and crying. You’re bloody brilliant and I love you!

Pairing: Steven Grant x Marc Spector x Jake Lockley x Fem!Reader (established relationship)

Word Count: 5k+

CW/TW: Heavy angst, smut, fluff, mentions of mental illness, strong language, mild stalking

Summary: Sick of being on the sidelines all the time, you stir up trouble with a new threat to Moon Knight, and find yourself in the middle of a bad situation. Marc, Steven, and Jake are not pleased when they find out. ~*~*~*~

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Boost because part 3 is coming out this week!
