#oscar spooky diaz


This is inspired by Summer Nights by Lil Rob

It was finally summer and it was time for the days to hang out with the homies. Oscar had felt the heat when he stepped outside, planting a smirk on his face, he grabbed his chrome polisher before going to his Impala and giving the chrome a polish. Cesar walked out and bid him see you later before dashing off to Ruby’s place. When he was done, he walked inside to change from his basketball shorts and wife beater to Dickies shorts, crisp white shirt, and crew socks pulled all the way up, before grabbing his keys and cruising throughout the neighborhood.

He pulled out his phone and pressed your name before putting up to his ear. A few rings came through before you picked up, “Baby?”

“Hey, preciosa. Get ready, we cruisin’ around before we hit the party at my place later,” Oscar smirked.

“Ok,” you said before hanging up and choosing your outfit for the cruise around and for the party after. You settled on your khakis, Nike Cortez, and a white cropped shirt with Oscar’s flannel that you stole. When you were finally ready, you heard the honk at the front of your house so you grabbed your keys and locked up then jumped into the Impala and gave Oscar a kiss.

“Vamos, princesa,” Oscar laid his hand on your thigh as Summer Nights by Lil Rob came on. You squealed and turned it up.

“I just kicked it at home, I polished up the chrome. Call the ruca on the phone, let her know I’m home alone, Its Seven thirty and the sun is going down, It’s a Summer night and the fun is going down” you sang before Oscar cut you off with the next part, “I picked her up and she looks all dolled up. Sitting passenger in my rag impala. I let her know she looks beautiful to me. The world is an ugly place but she’s such a site to see. The kind of woman that would put up a fight for me. The kind that wants to spend summer nights with me. The temp was eighty and I’m cruising with my lady,”

A honk was heard next to you so the two of you turned and saw Sad Eyes with his girl so they nodded to each other as you and his girl smiled and waved at each other. By now there were a few more of the Santos riding in their cars as the people outside stared at you guys when you drove by, but you rolled your eyes and stuck your hand out to feel the breeze.

Sundown came and you and Oscar went back to his house and set everything up before you went and changed into your dress and heels. When you were almost done, Oscar came in the room and stared at you as you applied a layer of lip gloss so your lips could shine.

“Bebe, you ready yet?” Oscar asked.

“Yeah, I just…” you capped your lip gloss, “finished. Let’s go outside and dance,” Oscar groaned, but didn’t stop when you grabbed his hand to pull him to the backyard.

The DJ started playing a mix of party songs so you immediately started pulling Oscar faster to the middle of the dance floor and put your back against him. You immediately wined your hips and put your hands on your knees to twerk. Oscar immediately put hand on your hips and lightly gripped it as he watched your ass go up and down on him, but you turned and wrapped an arm around his neck so the two of you could dance. He started to reciprocate your energy and started dancing with you, contrary to popular belief, Oscar was a pretty good dancer so the two of you drank and danced the night away. It wasn’t until the sun started to rise that the party ended and you two were finally in bed. Summer nights were the best and it saddened you that it was almost over, but it would come around again in eight months.
