#osney kettleback

Round 3 but make it trashyDaemon Sand for @isamajorDacey Mormont for @havenfableJaqen H’gar (no he’s

Round 3 but make it trashy

Daemon Sand for @isamajor

Dacey Mormont for @havenfable

Jaqen H’gar (no he’s not picking his nose I’m just bad at drawing hand poses (??)) for @aalizazareth

Tysha for @aalizazareth

Osney Kettleblack for @aalizazareth

Serra (she looks like Tyene ugh) for @aalizazareth

(I’m sorry if it looks like 99% of the characters were done for @aalizazareth but I swear it’s just bc they suggested so many good ones,,,,)

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