#other peoples art









idk how much we should share of the secret knowledge we were just gifted by the self-appointed greatest author of all time

the ghost of victor hugo communicated this image of his fursona to me directly into my brain


frog Ed and frog Stede :)


modern au :^)

i imagine that stede is a divorced community theater director (the crew is his company) and ed is the owner of the bar where they go get drinks after performances.

shoomlah: …Could be arranged.‍☠️shoomlah: …Could be arranged.‍☠️shoomlah: …Could be arranged.‍☠️


…Could be arranged.‍☠️

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“Hello darkness, my old friend”

Izzy Hands as the only human in a muppets film is one of the best descriptions I’ve seen of a character’s energy

tinfigs: Cos Edward eating sandich under a bench. Growing stronger


Cos Edward eating sandich under a bench. Growing stronger

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thinking about them!!!

based on:

i’m pretty sure that’s how ye olde alchemie books were, actually. “I’m going to explain how i explored the properties of mercury but first you’re going to have to read about all my opinions on god, death, the afterlife, society’s ills, morality, kids these days and my favorite and forbidden sex positions”

tags by @ionized-alpaca​

fullmetalfish:fma hurts enough as it is but where were these gushy mushy brother scenes ? Where are fullmetalfish:fma hurts enough as it is but where were these gushy mushy brother scenes ? Where are


fma hurts enough as it is but where were these gushy mushy brother scenes ? Where are they god tell me

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Once more, a beloved Ed scene


I currently have 8 designs for stickers that are in production. I am throughly excited. Most are original art pieces :)

Minus one adorable Joltik

iwakitsune: Between wanting to show some love for one of my favorite characters in my favorite regio


Between wanting to show some love for one of my favorite characters in my favorite region and wanting to play through ORAS again (this time using Pokemon that Wally himself has used), I think I might do a couple arts like this as I play along.

My current team is two Ralts (because I cannot choose between Gardevoir and Gallade, and his ace depends on the game) and a Poochyena (not game canon, but I’m biased and he got it in a RP and god knows that trying to train two lvl 3 Ralts is a nightmare without a babysitter). Next on the list is a Skitty (maybe I could do a team-update art later… or updates on this run. It is helping me flesh out some HCs in general).

Image description under the readmore!

Keep reading

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So sticker mule is doing some crazy deals and I have a few original ideas for stickers that I’m doing. I’m trying to do as much as I can by Friday, so if you have random quick designs you want seen, my inbox is always open. :)


Something I love about the four swords fandom is how we have collectively decided to ignore the canonical ending of the manga. Like I love that we all have different ideas about how/why the four end up staying split rather than merging back into Link again after defeating Vaati

I remember being so upset after finishing the manga for the first time that these characters I loved had sort of stopped existing? (especially after Shadow sacrificing himself/getting stuck in Link’s shadow???) And then there was the relief of going online and getting to see other people making stuff about these characters continuing to stay separate people! And going on more adventures! Or simply spending time together!! Not to mention all the amazing AUs people come up with that doesn’t involve them being the same person at all!

I guess what I’m saying is that I find it both hilarious and awesome that as a fandom we have kept these characters alive for the sake of the found-family trope, and have all found different ways of doing it



When I was younger I used to LOVE making dragons out of clay. I kind of fell out of it… but found some clay and tried again :D assuming it doesn’t fall apart while baking… anyone have color ideas? ^^

Originally it was going to be an ace pride themed dragon, but it kind of turned into it’s own thing, so I’m saving that idea for later…

All done! :D


Thinkin bout Ash and his momma… love them
