#other peoples sex lives



And now there’s so much to catch up on! Let’s see…

We spent the second quarter of the year refining a scheme that allowed me to earn orgasms for good behavior. The game initially involved a point system, with desirable activities assigned a point value and an orgasm awarded for every hundred points accrued, but this proved too complicated to administer. In the end, we settled on a small daily checklist: every day that I completed all the items was a good day, and seven good days in a row would win me an orgasm.

Thein a row part was crucial, because it held the potential for such delicious frustration: twice in those months I made it through six good days only to screw up on the seventh, resetting the count and cruelly extending my denial. She loved to edge me on the days I failed, when I knew it would be at least another week before I had any hope of coming.

This was a nice game for its salutary effect on my general health and happiness: all the daily checklist items promoted my wellbeing, and I was extremely motivated to complete them. But I found myself missing the longer-term denial we’d practiced earlier in the year. I was constantly horny, but with an orgasm every seven days or so, my body wasn’t reaching the exquisite levels of desperation I’d experienced after a month and more denied. I wanted to feel that pure need again, that hopeless submission. I wanted to fall asleep with my cunt dripping and wake up craving her touch…and knowing I wouldn’t get it, not where I wanted it most.

So starting in July, we made new rules for the rest of the year. I’m not, of course, allowed to touch my clit – at this point, we both regard that rule as permanent – and now neither will she. The daily checklist remains in effect, but the reward for seven good days in a row is no longer an orgasm but simply a nice hard fuck. We’re both intensely curious to see whether, after nearly half a year of denial, my body will learn to come from nothing but her big fake dick pounding my needy cunt. I desperately hope so, because it’s all I’ll be getting.

I can’t cum without very specific clitoral stimulation. I’ve toyed with the idea of not doing the one thing that makes me cum until my body learns to cum from other things. I’m too chickenshit to try it.

Ergo, I love following the experiences of those who are brave enough to try it.

I’m really personally invested in her process now. I don’t know if I hope she succeeds or if I hope she doesn’t.

I hope she succeeds because holy hell she has earned it.

I hope she doesn’t, because if she does, I just might have to try it myself sometime. And that thought scares the bejeezus out of me.


30 days without a single touch

Yep. I spend a full month without touching my pussy. And it’s been a loooong month for me. Worst of all - this denial is not over yet.

But first things first. Did I enjoy it? Immensely. I was obscenely horny for days on end. There were moments when I was not in the mood. But those were few, and I guess that was mostly influenced by hormones.

We had way more sex than before. And I don’t mean a bit more, but twice or trice more. We talked a lot. We shared fantasies and made them come true. Well, some of them, that is. Others are either too complicated or too dirty. For now. I’ve got fucked hard and wild in all the best ways. And I didn’t get a single orgasm.

It did things to me. To my mind. And body. I’ve never been this submissive. Not ever in my life. I’ve never even imagined that the idea of devoting all my sex life to someone else’s pleasure could seem so hot for me. It does now. I can’t stop thinking about being made to serve as a mere fucktoy for the rest of my life. If that’s not fucked up, I don’t know what is.

The only way I am allowed to stimulate myself now is by playing with my ass and nipples. I did a lot of that. I’d watch some porn, then stand in front of the mirror, my pants pushed down and shirt up, rubbing my nipples and pushing fingers into my dirty hole. Ah, the humiliation of it… And the feeling of hot pulse in the drippy denied pussy…

Do I miss touching? Desperately so. Most of all, I miss His tongue on my clit. I’d give almost anything for it by now.

Will I go back to the previous routine of daily edging and weekly orgasms? Not likely. At least, I hope He will not allow me to. I enjoy not having control over my pleasure way too much. And, I dare say, he enjoys me like this even more. I’m going to ask for a single change, though. I want Him to touch my pussy again. For as much and as often as He decides. And in a way He decides.

So, wish me luck. It is a difficult journey, fucking myself up like that.

Oh wow that is hot! I can’t imagine doing a month of no touch, personally, but I loooove reading other people’s experiences with long term denial. I will certainly follow her journey!


He told me I’d be able to finish this period of denial on Monday.

When it came around to it, I’d had such a long day at work I ended up prolonging my own denial by falling asleep. He came to bed and woke me up with soft touches across my skin, teasingly slowly, an intimate feeling I love. I pulled him against my back and we fell asleep together, entwined. It was worth it.

On Tuesday, my desperation returned with force.

I dropped to my knees and took him in my mouth, needing to prove that I’d earned my first orgasm in eight days, that I’d been a good girl. He pulled me off him and led me to the bedroom, where he slowly drew his cock back and forth against my soaking pussy and clit, coaxing me into a dripping, trembling mess.

I begged again.

We fucked, and it was hard and delicious, his hand around my throat for much of it, until I asked for permission.

“You’ve gone eight days. What’s another?”

I felt like sobbing. I asked again, fingers rubbing my clit and bringing me once more to the edge, to that release I craved.


I rode that edge. I knew if he asked me one more time I’d be unable to hold back and would have to ruin it. I panicked, I pleaded, my cunt wetter and wetter with each word.


I’ve had a number of people pointing out that I hardly ever describe my orgasms, only my denials. And it’s true, I just don’t feel like writing smut when I’m not horny anymore.

So here’s a beautiful one for you from someone who clearly did.


Make Me Suffer

Since I currently do not have a Master, I figured I’d allow my fantastic followers to play a part in my torture.

One Like = One Edge

One Reblog = Five Edges

You have until October 3rd to like and reblog until your heart’s content.

Let’s have some fun!

Help a girl out!


1 year. One full year of denial. It sounds so crazy and so surreal, but what’s actually crazy is that it is, in fact entirely and completely real. Today marks one full year without a single orgasm. 

In hindsight it looks so easy, it feels so smooth. But then i remember all of the times i’ve cried over the idea of an orgasm, and all of the times i squirmed and screamed wishing i could just let myself go over the edge. I think of all of the times i was so close, so close i could almost feel it, but instead i close my legs and feel my whole body ache for a single second of pleasure. 

It’s been this intensely paradoxical journey of extreme ups and downs, of extreme pleasure and extreme desperation. I can’t count all of the times i’ve been on the edge. I can’t count all of the times i’ve been afraid to even touch myself in fear of not being able to control myself. 

I can’t forget the days where i had to edge with a paintbrush, the days where i was so sensitive i could cry from just the seam of my jeans pressing against me. 

I can’t forget the days where i felt like i would explode if i didn’t get to the edge right there and then. I can’t forget how insane i would go for just one edge. Just one. 

I can’t forget the days i spent on no touch and i can’t forget the days i spent edging my tiny defenseless body over and over again, not willing to let go of the finite amount of pleasure my body could possibly feel. 

But here i am, one full year later, denied and dripping. Fulfilled in so many ways, and so empty in others. I can’t think of all of the days i’ve spent edging my brains out and wondering when i’ll finally cum. 

To the naive girl who started this journey one year ago, i’d like to say, happy anniversary. You had no idea what you had coming.  

This is incredible to me. I can’t imagine going through that, just the idea blows my mind. The longest I’ve gone was two weeks, and that was too long! A year??

The idea is intensely arousing in theory, even though I know it would never work for me in practice. I am in awe of the people on here who manage it.
