

@otherviosmainblogasked: How about… an axolotl + stick bug in 13 or 61? :D


Usually when I do these combo animals I try to think of what each animal’s most identifying feature is. So, for stick bug, well… it’s shaped like a stick. It’s in the name xD. And for axolotl, I tend to think first of their frilly external gills. So… frilly aquatic plant-mimicking bug?

A drawing of Green and Red from Four Swords. They are wearing winter clothes and standing in the snow. Green is posed as though preparing to throw a snowball at Red, but his eyes are wide with surprise as he looks up at the looming wave of snow Red has summoned with his Ice Rod. Red is smiling with fake-innocent mischief.ALT

@arobohamsterasked: red and green bein cute friends w 1?

@otherviosmainblogasked: Red in a wintery scene in #1? :)
