#otp we need to be a lighthouse

polararts: Rubs grease paint all over your fine linens.


Rubs grease paint all over your fine linens.

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everyone writing fix-it fics so here’s my take, starring Communication and Understanding


potc kiss ‍☠️

i saw this tweet and became a man possessed as i drew it as fast as i could


Calm Nap Time

I tried a bunch of new things with this one especially the lighting and I think it didn’t end up too bad! I think they deserve to have some calm quiet times together <3

They make me happy :)

Also I gave them matching rings because I can and have the power to do so ✌️✨



Close-up of Ed and Stede's right hands, drawn as if they were walking past each other. They are separated only by a few millimeters, subtly reaching towards one another, but not touching.ALT

take my hand
take my whole life t

what’s really keeping their hands from touching

doodle of Izzy Hands between Ed and Stede's hands, pushing them apart with his whole tiny body and shouting "NO!"ALT


Illustration of the captain's quarters aboard the Revenge, after Ed emptied it out. The room is dark, and there is a table/desk to the left. On the table is a discarded shirt, a glove, a gun and belt, a knife driven into the wood, and Ed's brace. Clothes are also strewn all over the floor: two pairs of boots, a leather jacket, a leather glove, a pair of leather trousers, a pair of breeches, stockings, a belt, a scarf, a shirt. All leading like a path to the back of the illustration, where the bunk is. It's illuminated by golden light, and through a gauzy curtain, the silhouettes of Stede and Ed can be seen on the bed. Ed is in Stede's lap, and they are looking at one another.ALT
closeup of the silhouettesALT

just gonna keep thinking of reunion scenarios for them
