#ouat one shot


Oh Captain, My Captain - Killian Jones

Summary: As part of Killian’s crew aboard the Jolly Roger, you’ve been pining after your captain for a long time. Now you’ve got to decide whether your love for him or the sea is stronger.

Word Count: 1,007

Warnings: Slight angst, pining

There’s never a dull moment aboard the Jolly Roger, that’s one of the many reasons you joined Hook’s crew. Of course, no one on the ship was stupid enough to use that moniker in front of him. To his crew he was Captain Jones, or simply just Captain. To you, he was Killian. Again, not something to be said to his face, not where you stood with him, anyhow. You were just another member of his crew, liked, respected, equal to the rest. The fact that you harbored feelings for him meant no difference, no preferential treatment. He didn’t even know because you’d never said a word.

You reflected on this now in the crowded and noisy tavern, ale in hand. Most of the time the camaraderie on the ship was enough for you. More than enough even. The crew provided you close friends, even some you’d consider family. But your heart did ache for your captain from time to time and it wasn’t something you could just shut off.

As your ship mates sang shanties, swilling tankard after tankard of ale, you took your own mug outside. You were familiar with the proprietor of this particular tavern, having docked here before, and as long as you brought it back, there’d be no beef between you. So out you went.

As you walked to the docks, the ruckus from the tavern faded away, only background noise by the time you seated yourself on the wooden boards of the dock. Sometimes, the peace and quiet helped put things in perspective for you. You always made your decisions looking at the stars in the night sky. Like a ship uses the sky to navigate the sea, so do you use it to navigate your life and your choices.

While the stars themselves had no answers for you, a clear head on a clear night never failed to steer you in the right direction. At this point, any direction would be a welcome change to what you were feeling now. As much as you loved the adventure and revelry that came with being a pirate, lately you didn’t know if it was right for you anymore. Your heart was divided between your love for the sea and your love for your captain.

As you drifted deep into thought, the stars blurring into shapeless white lights before you, a figure entered the corner of your view. You blinked away your worries and turned to bring your intruder into focus. It was none other than Killian Jones himself. “A sailor should never be without a mate,” he opened with. “May I join you?” You gave a small smile and a nod and he sat by your side. Low tide caused your feet to hover several inches over the water from your spot on the dock. It’s how you kept track of time and the night was still young.

Killian had brought his own tankard out with him in the night and you each took a sip from your drinks. In the hush that followed, you started at the ripples in the water. “Too raucous tonight,” he asked finally, trying to discern the reason you sought the companionship of the stars rather than that of his crew.

“I just have a lot to think about,” you confessed, gazing up once more at the night sky.

“The best choices are always made on a clear night,” Killian replied.

You glanced over at him, surprised to hear him say that. “That’s what I’ve always thought.”

“Guess it’s the way of the seafarer.”

“Actually, that’s what I was out here thinking about. I’ve always loved the sea, but I don’t know if it’s right for me anymore.”

“Why ever not? Maybe it’s selfish of me, but I don’t think I could withstand to lose such a vital member of my crew.” At this you gave a snort of laughter. When you’d ever been a vital member of his crew was beyond you. “Aye, what’s that for?” The way he furrowed his brow made you giggle for real. The alcohol may have had a bit to do with it too.

“A vital member of your crew? Me? I don’t need your flattery Captain, though it’s nice to think you mean it.”

“I do,” he countered. “Couldn’t get on without you.” You cast a look over at him that told him you weren’t buying it. “Okay, I probably could if I had to, but it wouldn’t be quite as much fun.”

Again, you laughed, and he laughed along with you, a sound that always got you right in the heart. “I’ll always love the adventure, the wind in my hair, the treasure, gosh, so much I’ll miss, but the one thing the sea can’t do is love me back.”

“Have you ever asked it?”

“The sea?”

He chuckled. “Not exactly.” That hush fell over the two of you again in that moment, the town was quiet save for the tavern, where your crew mates could still be heard off in the distance. And that’s when Killian leaned towards you. His eyes, blue as the sea you both loved so much, closed, and you found yourself closing your own as well. And then you felt it, the soft press of his lips, and the tickle of his facial hair against your skin. You’d imagined it so many times, but you never quite pictured it like this.

Killian rested his forehead against yours when he pulled out of the kiss. “Always thought you wanted to be just one of the crew, and I didn’t want to ruin that for you. You could have told me you wanted more.”

“Same goes for you, Captain,” you retorted, moving away from him.

“Alright, point made, love. You can call me Killian, you know? If we’re going to make a go of it, that is.”

You raised an eyebrow at him. “Sure that’s what you want?”

“I think I have room in my heart for a love other than the open ocean,” he confirmed.

Killian Jones:@jadehowlettthewolf
