#our side zine




@wingzine my zine arrived! Everything looks amazing can’t wait to dig in

Ah! We’re so happy they arrived! Thank you so much for your support. We hope you enjoy. 

Thanks for your interest! Read the application below carefully and take your time. Contributor guidelines are below the cut. Applications close July 2nd 2022.

“Our Side: Queer Enough” is a Good Omens charity fan zine with a focus on LGBTQIA+ identities and experiences that often feel overlooked. We’ve all heard it, or even felt it: am I queer enough? Do I belong? Can I even be here? This October, Our Side stands proudly in support of the most marginalized voices within the queer community.

A panromantic wife and an aromantic husband raise their Antichrist child. A demisexual Madame enjoys intimacy with others but only begins to feel attraction to someone after many years. Though he’s yet to have any partner, a witchfinder knows he’s only interested in other men. An ambassador’s wife discards the expectations of heteronormativity to embrace her identity as a lesbian. A bisexual witch introduces her agender masc-presenting boyfriend to her family. A nonbinary angel and demon platonically dine at the Ritz.

In an ineffable world AND our own world, they are all queer enough. Our visible genders, sexualities, romances, solo status or partnerships, and experiences do not erase who we are inside. Yes, you belong here.

We seek the art and stories you wish you could pass to your younger self, or to other LGBTQIA+ people in your life dealing with gatekeeping, imposter syndrome, and erasure of their identities. The sort of fan works that will encourage confidence and self-acceptance.

This zine will have digital orders available from October 21 to November 4. Charity to be determined! We will use a pay-what-you-like method for this digital-only edition.

Contributors are expected to create new pieces for the zine. OUR SIDE: QUEER ENOUGH asks to hold an exclusive on the content until a date To Be Announced (expect late November 2022).

Our Side: Queer Enough - Contributor Application

Please only apply for either Visual or for Written art. Thank you!

Production Team:

  • Claude (claudetastic)
  • Caspian (CaspianTheGeek)
  • North (SeedsOfWinter)
  • Suvroc (ApolloJust)

Please be aware: There’s A LOT to unpack and be gentle around with queer identities and experiences when one worries about if we’re “queer enough”. The team feels strongly enough about this topic to attempt this edition, especially since we each have identities or experiences which get questioned by others outside of and within the community. We will not tolerate any policing, gatekeeping, or erasure of others’ queer identities or experiences. Doing so will risk immediate removal from the project. We appreciate that you agree with us on this policy.

Follow us also on Twitter (@OurSideZine)orInstagram (@OurSideZine)!

Info for Contributors - Please read these carefully.


  • Applications Close on July 2, 2022.
  • All Applicants will receive a message by July 20, 2022 whether one of their proposals is accepted OR passed on. (We wish we could accept everyone, as all your stories and art deserve to be shared, but we acknowledge that the time and energy to make this zine among our production team is unfortunately finite!) 
  •  Accepted Applicants will receive information about which of their proposals has been accepted for OUR SIDE: QUEER ENOUGH. They will need to accept or decline their spot.
  • Due to our experience with past editions, we REQUIRE that Creators at least join our zine-specific work Discord server and introduce themself. This step is to ensure all production team members have the fastest and easiest access to contact all Creators. Participation in the server after an introduction is not required. If you do not have Discord, it’s easy to download.
  • Contributors will have roughly 7 weeks to complete their pieces (September 10). Authors will turn in their first drafts at that time and have a few weeks to complete any necessary edits on their stories. (edited)


  • This zine is strictly GOOD OMENS but not strictly focused on Aziraphale and Crowley. While we find A/C tend to be the main focus of creators’ proposals, we’d love to see proposals for other human, angel, demon, and other supernatural beings in the Good Omens universe. Outsider point of view are also welcome!
  • Characters may be in or appear to be in any or no pairing, using any pronouns, and presenting or perceived as any gender. "Ineffable Wives” can present masculine; “Ineffable Husbands” can present feminine; etc. Genitalia and secondary sex characteristics do not equal gender.
  • Contributors may sign up as either Safe-for-Work (SFW: General Audiences, Teen) or Not-Safe-for-Work (NSFW: Mature, Explicit), and change their mind at any time whatever way the piece takes them.
    NOTE: We especially gravitate toward unique proposals for NSFW. Be specific in your ideas rather than vague! “Aziraphale and Crowley have sex in [location]” is a proposal that could use a few enticing details! Think about: why should this art or story exist in OUR SIDE: QUEER ENOUGH? (This is a good rule for any proposal!)
  • This zine will be 18+. We will have a separate SFW only edition that does not include the NSFW pieces. The full edition will include all pieces.


  • We will need at least 1 Proposal from you in this application. You will have space for up to 2.
  • Proposals should be a sentence or two about a general idea you’d like to write, draw, cosplay, or photograph. All we need are a few details to understand your idea, so please don’t feel intimidated!
  • We will ask for sample links to your current available work as well. We want to see your MOST RECENT work and your FAVORITE work. We will want to see a link to your portfolio as well.
  • Crossover with other fandoms AUs (alternate universes) must be approved first, but we understand they can be great for expressing these intricate topics!
  • As mentioned, NSFW proposals are welcome. Anything that could be considered heavy kink must be cleared with the production team. If you’d like to check on a heavy kink idea before filling out the application, PLEASE do contact us.

No Contributions may feature: 

  • Physical violence/Graphic depictions of violence
  • Major character death (temporary discorporation acceptable)
  • Sexual violence (including both noncon and dubcon)
  • Abuse (including emotional abuse)
  • Underage or grooming
  • Slurs or bigotry
  • Abuse of drug or alcohol (canon-typical drinking acceptable)
  • Eating disorders
  • Suicide or self-harm

REMEMBER: Queer joy is the focus for Our Side Zines. If you need time to think about your proposals, feel free to return later. Applications Close on Saturday July 2nd at midnight Eastern Time.


  • Limit 2 pages per artist
  • Art may be any visual medium—including appropriately themed cosplay, photography, and comics—that tells a visual story fitting to the era
  • Must feature Good Omens characters from the book, show, and radio
  • Must showcase queer joy within more marginalized queer identities and experiences
  • We prefer you work with identities which you share, as those are your stories to tell and you SHOULD tell them
  • Specs for art contributions will be available upon application acceptance


  • No longer than around 1500 words
  • A minimum of 500 words
  • Must feature Good Omens characters from the book, show, and radio
  • Must showcase queer joy within more marginalized queer identities and experiences
  • We prefer you work with identities which you share, as those are your stories to tell and you SHOULD tell them


Today’s 1st spotlight from Team Black: “Label” by @fledglingdoodles​! 

Get your zine here. ️‍


That’s me! I’ve made a short comic about the Words We Use To Describe Ourselves
