#over 9000 demons haunting a house



Thinking about taking part? Reply to this entry - or send me a DM - and I’ll add you to the list of September Hags.

the golden-rod is yellow;
the corn is turning brown;
the trees in apple orchards
with fruit are bending down.
– helen hunt jackson, ‘september’

WHO: To join this challenge you must 1.) identify as a hag (trans, non-binary, and dude Hags welcome!), and 2.) be 30 years or older. (Tumblr Baba Yagas unite! <3) While not mandatory, all former participants have been some flavor of pagan or witch or Christian, so incorporating the challenge into your practice or devotional schedule isn’t just tolerated, it’s encouraged!

WHAT: September’s theme is “filling the handbasket”. This month your challenge is to hit the hedges, orchards, gardens, and farmers’ markets to fill your proverbial basket with autumn’s bounty. We’re keeping the theme deliberately broad - there’s no wrong or right harvest, and there’s no wrong or right way to utilize the contents of your basket. Let the season and local landscape inspire you!

WHERE: In the convenience of your home! Unless, of course, you want to be a bit extra. Whatever you decide to do, and wherever you decide to do it, be sure to tag your posts with #Hagging Out so fellow crones can follow along. (Over the past year we’ve essentially strong-armed everyone else out of the tag and claimed it as our middle-aged Hag fort, LMFAO.)

WHEN: September 28th-September 30th! Participating Hags are encouraged to complete their challenge and write their entry when it suits their schedule, then pick one of the three “open” days - September 28th, 29th, or 30th - to post it.

WHY: To consolidate our strengthening crone powers and exchange tips on the best way of covering stubborn greys. And because it’s occasionally nice to be social in the comfort of your own home without actually having people over.

HOW: Dinner, dessert, dumb supper, or devotional act - it’s up to you. Don’t get too hung up on the idea that your project needs to be meal-based - this is all about appreciating the season and working with what’s locally available (and maybe learning some new skills along the way)! As long as you’re using the content of your handbasket as a component in your working or project (e.g. incense, tinctures, a ritual or spell) you’re on the right path. Feel free to riff and push boundaries, that’s what this is all about!

September Hags:@msgraveyarddirt
