#overwatch gabriel reyes

McCree Jesse wrapped his arms around you, his fingers tangling with your hair as he rocked the both


Jesse wrapped his arms around you, his fingers tangling with your hair as he rocked the both of you back and forth. He murmured soft words, placing small kisses on your forehead and cheeks.

His heart just ached when you suddenly burst into tears on days when you finally break down and feel so….empty. Jesse understood completely and to why you’re like this, just terrible depression and it seems like it isn’t going to recover ever so easily.

But as time passes, he know you will. He’ll stand beside you and hold you when you fall once again to wipe your tears or to comfort you during a panic attack.


Reaper stumbled in the room tiredly but paused for a few seconds to hear a few sniffles before he quickly made his way towards you. Seeing the way you troubled with your breathing and how you gripped on to your shirt where your chest is, his hand slowly rested on your shoulder to give it a light grip.

Going on his knees so your gaze can be on his own, he eased into telling you to just—breath. He kept his tone hushed to know how harsh his voice actually is, he kept it low.
Seeing the way your shoulders slowly eased down and soon enough to the point where you were wiping some tears away.

Reaper slowly leaned foreword, a soft kiss being pressed against your ear. As he held you, he pressed you against him more when he felt your arms wrap around his neck.

Guilt washed over his chest just thinking about how long you were like this and just waiting for him to walk in the room. He completely understands and slowly, and still is, learning how to calm you down during panic attacks. Especially since it’s worse nowadays due to depression suddenly kicking, but he’ll be by your side on recovery. Like how you were with him when he was in your shoes.

Heya, I’m rusty at writing at the moment and decided to only do two at the moment, sorry but I really do hope you like it.

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