#ow orisa


A new book cover illustration I painted for “The Hero of Numbani” written by Nicky Drayson. So much thanks and gratitude to Betsy Peterschmidt for her Art Direction and Cover Design! Orisa and Efi are such fun characters, that it was a joy to contribute to this collaboration between Blizzard/Overwatch & Scholastic✨✨‬

 my piece for @storywatchzine! I drew Efi and Orisa as Bellerophon and Pegasus! (ft. Zenyatta and Me

my piece for @storywatchzine

I drew Efi and Orisa as Bellerophon and Pegasus! (ft. Zenyatta and Mercy as the other characters in the story too)

Thank you for having me in this wonderful project!!!!

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