#oz family



This is once again based off of this that I did a while back and good lord did this one took me longer to do, goooood lord, Salem’s hair was annoying to say the least but I finished it and I think it turned out pretty good.

I know @hyperfixation-hideout loves Bojack Horseman so I know they will get a kick out of this, and I’m also gonna tag my other friendos because they are awesome


Ozmafia!! -King of Beasts


-King of Beasts

Post link

I wanna draw Ozpin patting Oscar on the head and Oscar going through the 5 stages of grief

Denial: wtf are you doing

Anger: stop patting my head I’m not a baby

Bargaining: if you stop I’ll drink extra cocoa for you

Depression: pls stop

Acceptance: i guess this is my life now
