#p40 tank

The Carro Armato P 40, a okay attempt at a tank.This thing was designed as a heavy tank and compared

The Carro Armato P 40, a okay attempt at a tank.
This thing was designed as a heavy tank and compared to earlier heavy tanks such as the KV1 it isn’t fab. They had trouble getting a good enough engine as they kept adding weight to it after design changes from revelations such as the T-34.
Originally meant to have a crew of 5 it was dropped to 4 by the time it was in production and we all know how 2 crew turrets worked out. Looking in this book it had a lot of design changes and requests, a possible 100mm hull front. That could of been nice. They even had a SPG model made but was seized by the Germans after the Italian surrender. Not sure who had the better tank design, the Japanese of the Italians… Still I’d rather see Anzio School win over Oorai anyday. Oorai is just the worst.

Reference: Cappellano, Filippo, and Pier Paolo Battistelli. Italian medium tanks: 1939-45. Oxford: Osprey, 2012. Print. 

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