
What are you currently reading? ☺ • I’m currently reading Pictures of Lily by Paige Toon and I

What are you currently reading? ☺

I’m currently reading Pictures of Lily by Paige Toon and I’m enjoying it so far! It’s a very quick read and I hope I’ll be able to finish it this weekend

#picturesoflily #paigetoon #currentlyreading

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What are some books you plan to read in September? ☺ • I didn’t really put together a tbr for

What are some books you plan to read in September? ☺

I didn’t really put together a tbr for this month because I still have one last final to take and will also go back to Uni in about 3 weeks, so I already know that I’m probably not gonna be in the mood to follow a tbr But I’m currently reading “Johnny Be Good” by Paige Toon which I’m definitely gonna finish this month, i also really want to reread “Ugly Love” by Colleen Hoover and I was just approved for an arc of the English edition of “begin again” by Mona Karsten which im really excited for, so these are some of the books I might actually pick up this month

#currentlyreading #johnnybegood #paigetoon

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New books or used books? ☺ • Even though I love buying new books that still look flawless and haven&

New books or used books? ☺

Even though I love buying new books that still look flawless and haven’t been read before, the majority of the books I buy are used ones I’m a college student, so I’m constantly broke which is why used books are perfect for me!

#currentlyreading #johnnybegood #paigetoon

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