#pain tragedy and all the feels



here it is!

this is my fic for the 2021 TRC Reverse Big Bang @ravencyclebigbang.

this was made possible by the amazing @thecorvidrotation who supplied a bomb-ass playlist for me to write from, the links to which you can find here (plus other extra goodies!), and by the wonderful @longinghomecoming who beta’d and made sure I made sense.

TRC/CDTH Big Bang 2021: Team #33!

Find the full work and the accompanying playlist links on Ao3

Thirsty for more Big Bang works? Make sure to track our collection on Ao3!



he was a king: companion fanmix forfunerals are for the living by papersign/silhouette-sky​

The first of three concepts I pitched for this year’s reverse @ravencyclebigbang​! I began with the prompt “Cabeswater doesn’t bring Gansey back” and a handful of melancholy songs, and from that @silhouette-sky created this absolutely incredible fic about Gansey and his friends facing the (permanent) end to his journey. 

Both fic and fanmix were developed in tandem over this event as two halves of a whole experience, so we recommend listening while you read. 

Thanks to @longinghomecoming​ for beta-reading!

Listen on: SpotifyYouTube

Read the fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33586480

Tracklist(and lyric highlights) under the cut:

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TRC/CDTH Big Bang 2021: Team #33!

Find the full work and the accompanying playlist links on Ao3

Thirsty for more Big Bang works? Make sure to track our collection on Ao3!
