


At times I look at you, and wonder, what are you?

My attempts at defining just what you are has left my usually limber mind stiff with confusion.

I am unable to comprehend your behaviors.

Are they signs?

Or are they ministrations, jests at my heart, amusement at my expense?

I struggle to depict with accuracy your nature.

Are you like wind,

Who flutters by, unable to be held in my hands

Slipping through my fingers

but chilling my soul?

Calm and refreshing on spring-like days

But tempestuous and fearsome in the heat of summer?

Are you like water?

Salvation to my love parched being,

A necessity for survival?

Quick to fill and overtake, fluid and accommodating

But capable of drowning me in infinite darkness.

Are you a flower?

Only blooming sweetly in the sunshine,

Fleeting in affection

But impressionably fragrant beyond the expiration

Of your wilting love?

You scorch me in the sun of your smile, a treat to warm my heart

But I shiver under the luminescent gaze of your stormy eyes.

You are a blanket over me,

Covering me in familiarity

Yet before you I am uncomfortably bare

Naked and unprotected by impulse.

Without control over my own awareness

I cast down the garment of my heart before you.

I am overwhelmed by your power.

I am emboldened by your weaknesses.

Enigma, how the question of your place in my mind and heart plague me.
