#painting studies

Nothin too exciting to show, but this was a really cool little exercise to do- This was another as
Nothin too exciting to show, but this was a really cool little exercise to do- This was another assignment from taking CGMA’s Art of Color and Light course last semester, where we did some color study paintings from photos that encouraged avoiding the eyedropper tool and gauging the color relationships on your own. (reference photos on right, paintings on left)

The lovely photography referenced in the top 2 belong to Matt Lief Anderson!

edit: the preview on this dude is hella blurry, full size for premium crispiness

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Dunno if anyone’s interested in these, but this was my latest painting assignment for CGMA&rsq

Dunno if anyone’s interested in these, but this was my latest painting assignment for CGMA’s Art of Color and Light class- this past week focused on how light interacts with different materials.

It’d be cool to try some different skin tones, I just used my own pasty hand for reference. Maybe even an alien species with non-red blood, so the occlusion shadow glows a different color where light passes through? Would it be purple for Namekians and green for Vulcans? possibilities

Also, the iridescent pearl wasn’t a requirement, but I enjoy Sailor Moon and suffering. If anyone’s got pointers on iridescence, I am all ears over here, because I clawed my way through that one screaming

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Some lighting studies I did for Chris Oatley’s class, Painting Drama 2!! It was an AMAZING class :D

Some lighting studies I did for Chris Oatley’s class, Painting Drama 2!! It was an AMAZING class :D

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