
Detail of a new small piece coming to @everydayorig on Wednesday. Image area here is about 3 inches

Detail of a new small piece coming to @everydayorig on Wednesday. Image area here is about 3 inches tall.

#cosmicperspective #spaceart #figurepainting #paintingdetail #paintingcloseup #oilpainting

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A few detail shots of Oasis so you can see the strokes. “From that distance, my thumb fit over

A few detail shots of Oasis so you can see the strokes.

“From that distance, my thumb fit over the entire Earth. I realized how insignificant we all are if everything I’d ever known is behind my thumb … When you see Earth from the moon, you realize how fragile it is and just how limited the resources are. We’re all astronauts on this spaceship Earth and we have to work and live together.”
- Astronaut Jim Lovell

“The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena… In our obscurity, in all this vastness, there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves. The Earth is the only world known so far to harbor life. There is nowhere else, at least in the near future, to which our species could migrate. Visit, yes. Settle, not yet. Like it or not, for the moment the Earth is where we make our stand… the only home we’ve ever known.”
- Carl Sagan, The Pale Blue Dot

Prints and original through link in bio.

#paintingdetail #paintingcloseup #oilpainting #figurepainting #figurativeart #figurativepainting #spaceart #scienceart #overvieweffect #palebluedot #sagan #cosmicperspective #humanism #cosmos #earthrise

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Details of Fusion Lighting the Stars Oil, 18 x 24 inches Opening tomorrow in ‘Midnight Garden&

Details of Fusion Lighting the Stars
Oil, 18 x 24 inches

Opening tomorrow in ‘Midnight Garden’, curated by @beautifulbizarremagazine at @moderneden Gallery!
Stars are continuous nuclear explosions! Not simply fixed masses of hot gas, stars are a balance of two enormous forces: gravity and nuclear fusion. On its own, gravity would crush a star into the oblivion of a black hole or other super-dense entity. But nuclear fusion pushes back, releasing so much energy that the outer layers of the star are literally blown away, aloft from the core, and in equilibrium with gravity. From lightyears away, these cataclysmic explosions flutter as faint candles in our night sky.

Stars live a looong time, billions of years, but eventually the fuel of fusion runs out and gravity prevails. In the span of the universe, stars exist as temporary states of matter that will one day transition into other things. Much of their mass will be crushed. But in the process, many will fuse carbon, the other elements of life, and form planetary nebula. Later, these nebula will condense into new solar systems, and perhaps be part of some other temporary state of matter lucky enough to be able think about it.

#cosmicperspective #spaceart #scienceart #cosmos #nebula #paintingdetail #paintingcloseup #figurepainting #oilpainting #sciart #humanist #starstuff #stardust

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Detail of a new painting for the upcoming ‘Midnight Garden’ show, curated by @beautifulb

Detail of a new painting for the upcoming ‘Midnight Garden’ show, curated by @beautifulbizarremagazine at @moderneden ! The show opens October 24th.

#paintingdetail #paintingcloseup #figurepainting

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