
    ~ ARGENTINE MYTHOLOGY: La Mulánima or Alma Mula        According to an old legend from northern

    ~ ARGENTINE MYTHOLOGY: La Mulánima or Alma Mula

        According to an old legend from northern Argentina, there was once a woman whose low passions transcended beyond the limits of morals, and came to have relations with some relatives and even with the priest of her town and without ever showing the slightest modesty or regret. Her behavior was finally punished by being transformed into a mule carrying heavy chains (metaphor of his punishment), although she kept her eyes as a woman, and being condemned to travel the four cardinal points,as a simple animal to derision of her uncontrolled behavior.

        It is said that crossing our eyes with the Mulánima is very dangerous, since we are at risk of fell under her spell and being forced to follow in her footsteps the rest of our life, completely in love. In addition to this it is said that this creature can be violent, and will try to attack any unsuspecting who gets too close. The Mulánima runs through the surrounding towns and cities during rainy and stormy days, while uttering pitiful sounds that can frighten the bravest, and after briefly stopping at the church door, she turns around and continues her endless pilgrimage.

        This legend, surely of Christian origin, tries to warn about the dangers of “bedroom excesses”, being especially important the fact that, despite having committed the same sin, only women are punished, but this is due to their lack of repentance over these facts, something that most versions seem to highlight. While it may seem unfair or even machist, this legend refers more to the fact of not repenting than to the punishment of sin itself.

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