#pandemic or not









The pandemic has been hard on everyone you are valid uwu

except doctors

fuck doctors

unless they give me infinite supplies of every controlled substance and diagnose me with the exact condition that makes me feel validated they are evil

if they ever make a mistake they are evil

if they ever have feelings toward me other than perfect empathy and charity they are evil

yeah I was rude to the doctor but I’m going through a really hard time ok

pandemic and all


Wow yeah you suck lmao

I don’t want to be dismissed when I bring up a possible diagnosis by name? I want to be prescribed enough painkillers not to run out before my next appointment and avoid being in agony? What an asshole huh!!

What do you mean doctors are human being who have feelings and also sometimes fire off rude throwaway venting posts on the internet just like me

clearly the problem is that this particular doctor is evil

The problem is the underlying beliefs these vent posts show

The mistakes of someone not in healthcare: Ah shit, I didn’t get the thing I ordered. / Ah shit, they couldn’t fix my laptop. / Ah shit, this word doc has a mistake in it and it’s already been sent out to everyone.

The mistakes of a doctor: Ah shit. I killed someone cause I focused on their weight more than the symptoms they were describing. / Ah shit. I missed this very obvious diagnosis because I didn’t want to listen to my patient because as their doctor I know better than they do. / Ah shit. I forced my patient through needless hoops to get their diagnosis or pain meds all the while they were in agonizing pain and/or dying.

Perhaps, just maybe, there is a reason why people are more critical of your profession? Perhaps, again just maybe, there is a reason why especially chronically ill or disabled people complain about doctors as a general whole?

No one’s saying y’all ain’t human. But they are saying fucking *listen* to them when they tell you where something hurts, how bad it hurts, and if it’s not related to something else.

Just in case anyone missed it in the notes, OP is trying to blame this on trouble empathising with “difficult patients”.

You know, a common euphemism used to dismiss disabled patients as hypochondriacs

Rouke is absolutely right calling out the underlying beliefs that led to this vent post.

Holy shit, you’re right. This is fucking disgusting @cant-hug-every-human

Reminder that the initial post they were upset about was about doctors dismissing diagnoses as a possibility if patients are the ones to bring them up. This is a deliberate choice on the part of these doctors, and not an “error” or something that could ever be blamed on a “difficult patient” (which clearly means a patient that is not sufficiently obsequious and careful with their words)

Also I don’t give half a goddamned shit if a doctor “”“Empathizes”“” with me I expect them to do their goddamned job and fucking treat me.

Not diagnose me with Fat when my periods were so painful I was nearly bedridden from the pain.

Not blame the same issue on anxiety when losing weight didn’t help.

Not pull my sleep meds cold turkey and without warning because they’re a “crutch”.

Not being brushed off cause I’m “too young” to have XYZ medical issues.

I don’t NEED anybody’s goddamned empathy I need to get fucking medical treatment.
