
We love a good alchemical frontispiece, and this one, from Alexander von Suchten’s Chymische Schriff

We love a good alchemical frontispiece, and this one, from Alexander von Suchten’s Chymische Schrifften,is a fantastic example! All of the lettering is a bit difficult to decipher, but we can make out the planetary symbols on the top part of the page, in the heavens, while the elemental symbols are down below in the mountains (more of that alchemical/astrological connection we’re always talking about!). The four winds/cardinal directions seem to be represented in the four corners, and we can also spot the symbols for the four classical elements of earth, air, fire, and water.

Mercury occupies a very prominent position, perhaps due to the importance of mercury as a key ingredient in the creation of the Philosopher’s Stone. The three lions also have alchemical symbols over their heads, and we think they’re mercury, salt, and sulphur, which are the three primal elements in Paracelsian alchemical thought. That would make sense, as it seems that the streams pouring out of the lions are combining to create the other elements shown below.

Can anyone help us interpret any of the other symbolism?

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