#parallel play













Im still SO fuckign mad some child psychologists or whatever think parallel play is a negative thing oh my god i hate the NTs sometiems

Literally me and my bf call it cat time where we chill together and do our own things (bc cats interpret spending time together as just lounging in the same space together) and it’s so comfy and happy wtf is wrong w nts

Ahhhh thats so lovely yes u get it

. Doctors think thats a BAD thing??????

Parallel play is supposed to be an early stage of childhood development that transitions into social play, but continuing to do it into adulthood is not considered “normal”

Like the way they talk abt it is GROSS

Parallel play is incredible and social and good actually

The fact this post has so many notes so quick… We all fuckign love parallel play in here <3

Soooo much of adult life enjoyment is parallel play.

Hitting the club? Parallel play. You might be dancing with someone, or just dancing in a crowd, But you’re still surrounded by people you’re not playing -with-.

Sporting Events. Unless you’re on the field it’s parallel play.

Coffee shops. People go to read and right in a place with others present. Parallel play.

Tons more examples out there of neurotypicals enjoying parallel play without calling it that.

I’m not entirely sure why we are comparing child development to adult behaviours here.

There is nothing wrong with parallel play, but child psychologists do use it as a developmental marker when assessing children who may have a developmental issue going on.

Children do continue to do parallel play, but when they reach a certain age, they will also do social play. Most children will participate in a variety of play, including parallel play. But if children don’t progress to including social play in their lives, it could be indicative of something going on.

And it is really important that children are seen early by a psychologist if they notice their child not meeting certain developmental goals, so parents and teachers know what they can do to support their children.

Plus, it’s not really considered parallel play in adults because it is a specific name for a stage in child development, specifically in how they approach play.

I am going to start killing people on this post i swear to god

Not moving on to social play is indicative that the kid in question doesn’t enjoy social play.

Maybe they’re autistic. Maybe they’ve got anxiety. Maybe the kids that you’re trying to get them to be social with just don’t like them or are bullies or something similar.

Maybe trying to enforce a specific model of psychosocial development to all children that you then try to “Correct” for is just forced conformity to a sociological standard that is changing with the times?

Shocking thought, that…

Actually can we stop calling collaborative play “social play”? All play is social. Parallel play is social. NTs do NOT get to claim they have a monopoly on social play.

And sticking only with parallel play is a sign of developmental difference, not delay. Let’s be honest, “delay” and developmental goals are bullshit. Children are individuals and develop individually.

Anyway yeah it is incredibly cool and social and intimate to be able to just hang out with someone and do stuff in parallel.
