#paranormal accounts


Hello boys and ghouls,

I have some very exciting news to announce: 365 Days of Terror has found a new home on Patreon!

What is Patreon?

Patreon is a simple way for you to support 365 Days of Terror while also gaining exclusive access to monthly stories, live chats, A.M.A. threads and much much more! And, yes, while it is a subscription service, I promise you it won’t set you back. In fact, as little as $1 a month will grant you FULL access to ALL of my monthly stories. That’s cheaper than a tall cup of coffee at Starbucks - and better for your health too!

For full details and to subscribe, please visit www.patreon.com/365daysofterror. You can also message me here with any questions or concerns you may have, if you’re unsure about joining. Please note, however, that all future posts will be exclusive to Patreon!!!

Hope to see you there soon!
