#parental logicality



An adorable thought I’ve had concerning single Dad! Logan and baby! Patton while reading up on child language acquisition:

  • Logan reading that stereotypical “baby-talk” is bad for children’s development and resolving never to use it.
  • He probably wouldn’t have anyway, he thinks it’s condescending and considers his son to be way too smart for that sort of thing, but it’s always good to have scientific evidence.
  • So Logan talks to Patton (who is an Actual Baby) the same way he would address any of his adult friends or colleagues and always answers him like he’s talking back.

Logan: *reading a newspaper while Patton’s sitting in his lap being A Baby* Hmm, Patton, what do you make of all this?

Patton: *Staring up at Logan like he’s just seen the sun for the first time* a-da.

Logan: *trying hard not to smile/ start crying* That’s…a very interesting position, I hasn’t considered that before, thank you.

Patton: *Sticks Logan’s tie in his mouth*

  • Better yet, grocery shopping:

Logan: *looking very seriously down at Patton in the trolley* Now that you are of an age to start eating solids, it is vital for us to foster healthy eating habits.

Patton: *looks back as seriously as he is able, while also chewing on a tiny frog plushie*

Logan: Yes, I know it’s disagreeable, but some things must be done, I’m afraid. From now on we will only be stocking nutritious, sugar free snacks in the kitchen. That is what I’ve decided.


Logan: Oh, alright fine. I suppose it wouldn’t hurt for us to pick up a couple of jars of Crofters. If you insist.

Patton: *starts giggling, kicking his tiny legs in the trolley happily*

Logan: *while physically restraining himself showing his child with kisses and affection in the middle of the store.* Mind your legs please, Patton. Yes I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to get some cookies as well. As long as you promise to eat your vegetables first.

  • Just…Logan raising Patton man, there’s no many adorable scenarios in my head.
  • Logan reads to Patton out of scientific journals and things because he’s trying to get him interested in the subject at an early age.
  • Logan having to get one of those baby carriers that you strap to your chest just so he can get things done throughout the day because Patton wants to be carried all the time.
  • And once Patton actually does learn how to talk, Logan has an impossible time saying no to anything.
  • Patton consistently asking random “why” questions and Logan is never, ever, ever too busy to answer. Or even if he is, or if he doesn’t know he’ll be like “That’s an interesting query, let me get back to you on that” and then he does actual research.
  • Logan, like most parents, fully unironically believes Patton is totally an undiscovered genius.

God I just had to write this, lemme actually start before I lose motivation- sorry if it’s shit, I’m exhausted

Roman and Virgil did not judge Logan for alot of things, they more so would say that they worried if anything. Like his concerning habit of inhaling an entire jar of Crofters at 3 am with steaming coffee to the side like it’s breakfast with the lights off just to hiss at Virgil like a cat guarding itself. Virgil would later deny having any nightmares of this event but couldn’t hold back the shiver that consumed him every time he saw that blasted jar. For Roman it was nagging at Logan into self care days with Janus involved, having to remind the most logical of the group that rest and care was important to improve mental and physical health. With some pushing and a few blackmail pictures of Logan drooling on his assignments, somehow by Roman standards he was still photogenic as ever, he maintained a less self-destructive schedule throughly his college with out a single photo being leaked.

So it was safe to say that his friends were never to judge him mostly when some how the one with a brain cell had become feral and lopsided. It was Logan,the same guy who explained through PowerPoint to Roman and Virgil on why they should have more than just a candle in their apartment and somehow exceeding the criteria of 6 slides in the process. Never in the group’s wildest imagination that he would be the first one to have a kid. A baby actually. Though to try and say that Logan was all brains and no heart would be a foolish errand.

Everyone knew how Patton came to be, almost mystically dropped off by the side of the road, crying and fussing as his little hands seemed to reach out in hopes of finding comfort only to get the cold, brisk air of that January morning. Immediately calling for help while Logan focused on keeping the baby warm under the warm wool sweater, ignoring the unconscious instinct to coo and the visible red coating the chubby cheeks buried in his chest. It would have been a heartwarming sight if it wasn’t so worrying.Virgil airing out his anxieties of where his parents were or what could have happened if the baby had stopped crying with Roman trying to rub his shoulder comforting and keep him from the brink of a panic attack. Janus was on the phone with 911 while Remus was relatively calm and trying to keep the baby wake with noises, enjoying the alertness that kept the situation so mellow but all the more sad.

It would be months later, no legal guardian found and Logan’s vast knowledge of the corrupt system that was adoption, it didnt take long for Virgil to confront him while looking at his signature in the bottom to be Patton’s legal guardian. His hands shaking but with no regret he turned to his friends, “I just can’t leave him..” It quivered with an surprising amount of emotion more than his hands could show, Remus being the one to take his hand and squeeze it to allow comfort to flow through him. “Then don’t, Bookdick.”

The sudden reminiscent memory made Virgil blink, rubbing his eyes as if he had been taking a long nap just to remember why he thought about how this all started in the first place. The new father was reading outloud one of his student’s assignments, skillfully undisturbed by Patton’s gurgles and small trailing of spit though his eyes seemed surprisingly aware and stayed on Logan. “Well what do you think Patton? It would seem that Alyssa’s argument had been built on lengthy descriptions of philosophical advancements.” Again gurgling with the mix of wet clapping flowed, he swirled a bit in his chair to avoid the flying specks of saliva from hitting the paper in his hand, still nodding as if Patton had brought up a noteworthy point. “Yes, I suppose that does make sense though it could weaken her argument.” Roman was uncharismatic in trying to stifle his laughter, whether it was at what they were watching or Virgil’s own horrifed expression, it was hard to tell.

“You laugh now, but when Patton started insulting your intelligence as a three-year old and has better cognitive skills than you wish you could, don’t cry to me.” Logan spoke, not looking at the duo as he continued working through the papers. Asking for Patton’s advise while gently pulling the pen from his tight grip and ignoring Roman’s offended noises. Virgil simply shakes his head, glad that after all these months Logan was still himself with a baby in tow and his own kooky parental guide. Maybe with luck Virgil would be able to stop the Crofters obsession from taking root. His arms hanging off of Logan’s shoulder and sheepishly hiding his face into the other’s hair, “I’m proud of you Loagn, seriously.” The soft gasp from the teacher’s lips were memorable as was the babbling in agreement making his heart twist and tighten before releasing itself with a deep breath, “Thank you.”
