


(Astrology indicators for different professions)

Part 2: Linguist

Nowadays many people learn foreign languages, so this post can also be useful for those who are learning. There are some placements that can indicate a good interpreter or linguist:

Beginner level:

1. Strong Mercury: Mercury in Virgo or Gemini (Gemini is better for retrograde); Merc in 1, 3, 6, 9, 10 houses. Besides, the house can also indicate what translation you are better at: 6 is best for formal, scientific translation while 3rd is better for daily life situations: idioms, word games etc.

2. Mercury aspects:

Mercury - Mars: quick reaction that is extremely important;

Mercury - Uranus: good memory and analytic abilities (different culture - different way of thinking, as a result, you have to be able to understand the meaning of various phrases/sentences that have no analogy with your mother tongue)

Mercury - Jupiter: this aspect helps the person get into the new culture very easily.

Those three were probably most important aspects, if you have good houses combinations plus any of those aspects it is an indicator of much easier learning process. As for other aspects:

Mercury - Venus/Neptune: makes listening part of learning much easier plus good pronunciation

Mercury - Sun: good for literature translation; big vocabulary

Mercury - Moon: this ascpect is an indicator of good knowledge of your native language. Very useful, isn’t it?)

3. Strong Jupiter. In one of mutable signs and/or in 3, 9, 10.

4. Active Sagittarius/9th (Sun, Moon, Stellium, dominant), Gemini/3rd

Intermediate level:

5. 3 - 9 houses connection. Also 9 - 10.

6. Mercury’s house ruler is very important.

7. 2nd house’s ruler in 3/9th

8. T-square: Mercury - Jupiter - Uranus

That’s all just separate pieces of a big jigsaw puzzle and you need to analyze your chart with all its features:)


(Astrology indicators for different proffesions)

Part 1: Singers

Have you ever thought to became a singer? Maybe you still can’t decide what to do after graduating school and you’re considering signing as one of possible jobs?

Well, in this post I wrote some of astrology placements that can indicate your abilities for becoming a singer

Beginner level:

1. You need to have a really strong Neptune. How to see if it is strong? For start, look at the house of Neptune: the best house is 5th, but if you want to be a singer 2, 6, 10 are pretty good too. If your Naptune located in a different house don’t worry just keep reading.

2. Aspects. The most important one is Neptune sextile Pluto. This one gives you a powerful voice( all big stars like Adele, Beyonce, Celine Dion have this aspect). It makes this “wow listen what a wonderful voice” effect.

If you have any other aspects it would be a big plus to you. Neptune - Uranus: unique, easy to recognise voice (negative aspect gives you a little bit annoying voice, but if you work out this aspect you can make it better and make it very special. Just take vocal classes and practise as much as you can)

Neptune - Moon: charming and magnetizing voice

Neptune - Venus: a beautiful aesthetic voice.

So mostly to become a recognizing singer you should have either Neptune sextile Pluto or Positive aspects from Neptune to URANUS, Venus, Moon

Plus Neptune - Mercury: it’s an aspects to communicate with people through music

Neptune - Saturn: pos aspect gives you disciplined voice, easy to train and neg gives you always breaking one (but of course you can train it too you just need to put much more efforts)

Intermediate level:

3. Neptune in aspects to planets in 2, 5, 10 houses or Taurus, Pisces

4. House of Neptune in 2, 5, 10 or Taurus, Pisces

Besides, ruler of Neptune’s house can indicate your style in signing.

So that was most popular combinations for more details you need to analyze the whole chart:)


(Astrological indicators for different professions)

Part 3: Celebrity

Who didn’t dream about becoming a star?? Everybody loves you and your words have influence on people from all around the world. And of course there’re placements in astrology that can indicate this.

Beginner level:

1) 1 house stellium - people with many life energy, hopes and action

2) More than 1 personal planet in 1 house - a lot of in common with first indicator. Especially, Sun, Venus and Moon

3) Jupiter in 1 - luck in many beginnings. I’d recommend people with this placement to start new hobbies when Jupiter is aspecting planet of your new hobby

4) Ascendant aspecting planets of what you want to be famous of. For example, for singers asc - Neptune connection is a big plus.

5) Asc in harmonic aspects to Pluto: magnetism

6) Any asc aspects are important: to venus -attractive, to Uranus - a lot of original headlines that attract people (and new fans). But of course they don’t count if there’s no other indicators as big 1 house influence

7) South Node in 1 - successful people who need to learn how to build relationships

8) North Node in 1 - people who need to learn how to become independent and success without anyone helping them

Intermediate level:

1) asc ruler in 1 - definitely one of the strongest placements. Charisma, you want to watch these people because there’s something special about them

2) 2 house ruler in 1 - making money thanks to your face/brand

3) 1 in 10 - people who make their names a brand

4) 1-2, 1-10 connection. And 1 house connection with house of what you want to be famous of: 1-5 - acting, 1-7, 1-3 - host of talk show etc.

Remember that you need to have more than 3 indicators in your chart :)
