#paul robertson


An elf named Elvis and a dwarf named Dimmi are a couple of assholes who roam around a fantasy realm on blood thirsty quests for treasure and glory.


Written and Directed by Ivan Dixon and Paul Robertson 
Animation by Ivan Dixon and Paul Robertson
Additional Animation by Andrew Onorato
Music by Cornel Wilczek
Sound by Cornel Wilczek and Pascal Babare
Sound Supervisor Leyla Varela


Bailey:Mel Roach
Elvis & Dimmi: Ivan Dixon
Hannah & Wendy: Claire Mazz 
Gate Goblin: Julian Frost
Goblin Child 1: Hazel Wilczek
Goblin Child 2: Jeanie Wilczek
Gary & Shopkeeper: Alex Hirsch

EDITORIAL (Spoilers):
This may sound condescending to those who get it, but it isn’t a mistake that the characters are unlikable. In fact, that’s the whole point. We wanted to show that the heroes in the fantasy films, books and games we all enjoy, from a different perspective, are actually monsters. We also wanted to show that in the real world there are no hordes of “perfect enemies,” that this is a trope of fantasy (and sci-fi) used to literally de-humanise the other. In this story our green skinned cousins have families, homes and dreams and we should feel outraged when their lives are destroyed. Yes, it’s done in a dark, sarcastic manner, but it’s not supposed to be a endorsement of the brutish behaviour of our leads! We trust our audience enough to make up their own mind about the supposed heroes. Regarding the ending, in the real world petty, stubborn, ignorant and powerful bullies win all the time. Again, we don’t endorse this. It would feel in-genuine (particularly in the current political climate) to have them receive poetic justice just because that’s what we crave. Lastly, this film was made entirely without funding by Paul, Cornel, myself and our wonderful voice actors and sound editor. It was a labour of love to bring such hateful characters to life. This afforded us the ability to make the story we wanted. Not another heroes journey that you’ve seen a million times before. If that’s what you want there’s plenty of other places to find it.

#pixel art    #fantasy    #elvis dimmi    #cartoon    #black comedy    #comedy    #paul robertson    #ivan dixon    