#peachaberry edits

5 Pictures | Kuragehime - Tsukimi Kurashita | Make Up ♥
5 Pictures | Kuragehime - Tsukimi Kurashita | Make Up ♥

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Dear followers and the people that I follow, I wish you a happy new year from the top and bottom of

Dear followers and the people that I follow, I wish you a happy new year from the top and bottom of my heart and tumblr since you make my tumblr sparkle every year (it’s my second year on tumblr :D ) since 2012 is another tumblr year I ask humbly to enjoy yourself thoroughly, do things you’ve never done before and believe in yourself because you can do anything and be anything because I am prime myself on this and I want to spread my joy with all my followers and the people I follow, stay strong my followers throughout the year ♥

Love Peacha ♥   

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Hey! I’d like to inform you about my follow forever 2011 recommended blogs but first I&rsquo

Hey! I’d like to inform you about my follow forever 2011 recommended blogs but first I’d like to wish each and everyone of my followers a upcoming happy new year, as a bonus to your dash and to also enhance your 2012 dash these are the blogs I love and have made my tumblr experience worth all my scrolling and clicking pains and aches oh so worth it I in definitely ask you to follow these amazing people :)    

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