#penelope lacroix


I’ve been replaying The Wayhaven Chronicles by @seraphinitegames and decided to make my detectives plus LI’s for them in the sims.

Katrina (Kit) Bellwood and Mason = Charming/Friendly and Nate is her best friend. Bright style home.

Penelope (Penny) LaCroix and Adam du Mortain = Sarcastic/Charming and Mason is her best friend. Messy style home.

Marnie Harker and Nate Sewell = Easygoing/Charming and Felix is her best friend. Cozy style home.

Delilah (Del) Starling and Felix Hauville = Stoic/Genuine and Adam is her best friend. Vintage style home.

Nate’s appearance was inspired by @mooreaux art of him, definitely my fav.

All aside from Penny joined the force to help others whereas Penny joined to avoid jail time (pairing her with Adam amuses me a lot).

All have Bobby as an ex.
