#people can change



the duality of men? no. the duality of kaz brekker. how can one person have the most showstopping, heartbreaking line that is the whole ‘i’d come for you ’ monologue and then do a 360 and be like 'my mother is ketterdam, she birthed me in the harbor. my father-’

In his defense, he did say the “my mother is Ketterdam…” line before the “I’d come for you” monologue, so hey—character development, eh?




the more I grow up, the more I notice that pre-marital sex has absolutely nobenefits.

Maybe enjoyment? Maybe pleasure? Maybe an expression of love to the person I’m dating but am not sure I’m going to marry? Maybe I just like sex?

Having sex with someone you don’t intend to marry is not an expression of love, it’s an expression of disrespect. You’re basically saying, “I want you right now and who knows if I’ll want you tomorrow, and I don’t respect you enough to find that out before we get intimate. But, you know, if you get attached to me more than you would have without sex and I break your heart when I end things, at least we had a “good time”!”

And don’t get me started on liking sex and pleasure. Everyone likes pleasure, everyone wants to have sex. Doesn’t mean we should just go at it with any random person. I find eating cake enjoyable but I don’t stuff my face with it 24/7 or whenever it pleases me, because there is such a thing as temperance.

Let me have my cake, and eat it too

While I agree it is the most intimate and vulnerable person, I’m not going to let it define my relationship. I’m not going to give that power to anyone. I’m my own person. The idea of ‘saving myself,’ as though I’m the property of the person I marry, literally makes me sick. Virginity is a construct. There is nothing life altering about having sex for the first time.


The fact I’ve had sex with multiple people does not mean I love my partner any less. It doesn’t make them love me any less. I don’t love them any less. It also didn’t make past heartbreak any worse.
