#people of all kinds










The older I get the more fiercely protective I get of younger girls. I was heading into work yesterday and I saw that 12 year old (I mentioned her before, the one who wore makeup) talking to this older man. She’s normally really bubbly but she looked a little more subdued talking to him so I go over and loudly say “Hey sweetheart, who’s this?” And the guys just glares at me and she says “oh um his name is Justin.” And I’m like “Hi Justin, how do you know her?” And he gets nervous and is like “I just saw her jogging and thought I’d give her pointers.” So I just kinda tilted my head and looked at him for a minute. He literally asked me “are you a cop or something? I haven’t done anything wrong.” So I took her to the McDonald’s near by, bought her something and had a talk about not talking to strangers. Low key I’m debating the next time I see her parents (they drop her off at the gym and leave her there for hours) to maybe have a talk with them or something. Idk if it’s my place tho

Just to add because some messaged me saying that I was being a nosey bitch: so a woman who used to go to my gym (and my same university. Like I used to see her at my job and on campus) actually went missing not far from my intersection (literally a 5 min walk away from the major intersection) on may 10 and they found her body literally last week (June 19). Everyone has been on high alert lately so when I saw this random dude talking to this little girl, my brain immediately went into defence panic mode. So yeah call me nosey if you want

This world could use more nosey b*tches.

I’ll stop being a nosey bitch when males stop being predators

Always be a nosy bitch where young girls are concerned. Always be a nosy bitch where creepy old men are concerned

Always, ALWAYS be a nosy bitch. Better to be wrong and apologize, then be right and not do anything.

As a nosy bitch I want more nosy bitches! Be a nosy bitch and protect children, the youngsters and those who need it! The world is better with nosy bitches! Better misunderstood situation than not trying to prevent something like this to happen.

Alright, so I know literally nobody will see me say this, but— let’s not forget about young boys, mmkay? I’m not saying we should put less focus on the girls, I’m just saying that if we’re gonna tackle pedophilia and stuff maybe we could go after the entire thing???

Like, nothing against this— I love it— but in my school (Which is a high school) I know this guy who’s about 14 going 15 bragging about losing his virginity a week or so after he turned 14 (I wasn’t there, but a friend or two were there and they said it happened) “Yeah, so this woman started talking to me, and we hit it off” is what I can say if I remove what most would deem….. Too explicit??

Anyways, back to the topic on hand, from every description I got from him, (As well as the friend(s)??? He was with) I came to the conclusion that the woman was by no means within 14-15, AT ALL, and I’d even go on to say she might be above 25….

Of course, I have to go on their word, the story might be a lie itself, so I can never be too sure. (Yes, his parents are “aware” of this story, but he had made it out that the woman he slept with was a few MONTHS older, but to be honest, that doesn’t make me worry less)

